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I was staying in West Asheville at the Hampton Inn for about 5 weeks.
Working on a turbine in Canton at the old Champion Paper plant.
That was this past September. Beautiful area.

My daughter and grandson live in Asheville. We were supposed to visit them the weekend of January 8th and 9th (we were stopping to have dinner with Jon and his wife on the 7th, and dinner with Mike and his wife on the 10th), but my daughter was sick and told us not to come.

She still hasn't told us what she was sick with yet, but we suspect Covid as she works in the hospital and had to be vaccinated to keep her job (and stay in the nursing program).
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We got another 6-7 inches today gonna be -25 tomorrow night, come on up.o_O

Nah, I'm good.

On a side note, my autistic son (he still lives at home with us) wanted to ask me a question at lunchtime and I said sure, so he asked, "Dad, if it snowed here what would you do?", and I responded without missing a beat, "Move.", to which Lisa spit out a mouthful of coffee and was laughing, and my son asked her, "What's so funny Mom?", and she responded, "Why do you think we live in Florida now?", and then my son asked her, "Move where?" and she responded to him, "Further south, most likely the Cayman Islands if your father had his way".

All I could do was smile.
I kinda say the same thing when it gets to 80 & the hum. goes over 50%.

I've never liked the cold ever. I was born with arthritis and I can tell you all about the pain I feel when it gets cold out. My body is sluggish and I find it hard to move. When we lived in CT, Lisa would have to feed me 4 advil every morning just so I could get out of bed, and I'd take up to 12 advil per day in the wintertime. Even now with the temperature dropping (like today) I couldn't work in the garage today as my body was too stiff and just generally hurt to move around. My back is hurting quite bad right now, and that's the major reason we moved to Florida.

I can understand how your body reacts differently to the heat and how it affects your life similarly. The heat to my body is like spraying WD-40 on squeaky stiff hinges. I thrive in the heat.
My daughter and grandson live in Asheville. We were supposed to visit them the weekend of January 8th and 9th (we were stopping to have dinner with Jon and his wife on the 7th, and dinner with Mike and his wife on the 10th), but my daughter was sick and told us not to come.

She still hasn't told us what she was sick with yet, but we suspect Covid as she works in the hospital and had to be vaccinated to keep her job (and stay in the nursing program).
You know I have to ask if she's stocked up on HCQ and ivermectin ? LOL
You know I have to ask if she's stocked up on HCQ and ivermectin ? LOL

Don't really know, she hasn't been forthcoming. My ex wife lives with her and my daughter has a hard time contacting us without my ex being around and causing issues for her.

Usually she calls us when she's on her way to the store (alone) and my ex is watching my grandson, and it's usually just to bitch about my ex wife and all the problems she causes.

I could go on, but it's an ugly story I'm sure you'd rather not hear.
Don't really know, she hasn't been forthcoming. My ex wife lives with her and my daughter has a hard time contacting us without my ex being around and causing issues for her.

Usually she calls us when she's on her way to the store (alone) and my ex is watching my grandson, and it's usually just to bitch about my ex wife and all the problems she causes.

I could go on, but it's an ugly story I'm sure you'd rather not hear.
Just do what I do; next time you're with her, give her a stash of it to keep in the fridge.
I think Dr Kory is right, ivermectin works on any virus, especially if it's taken asap.
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