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Need 3856223 Forged Crankshaft

I like it I suppose, but it says Chevy 454. Should be the same as a 396 I'd think but strange it doesn't say anything. I could ask SCAT I guess.
I bought the internally balanced crank with extra center counterwieghts. Supposed to make the crank stronger and easier to balance.
The newer cranks may come with extra center counterweights compared to OEM and therefore I would think they are stronger.
I know the longer strokes have these counterweights; not sure about the 3.76 stroke 396/427.
Call Mike Lewis; he can tell you what you need and order it for a good price.
I've been following the otc thread, and agree that buying aftermarket is the smartest move. I've got ahold of a few nice vintage cranks, a 6223, a 7115 and an LS7 crank, but all have been in complete motors. Always be on guard when purchasing a stand alone used crank and the seller would be wise to have it checked before sale.
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