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A Barn Find like no other.....

Yeah, anyone needing hard to find NOS parts should contact Heartbeat City. What a ton of parts !
Too bad he didn't like the best Chevelles (66-67) :)

There was an Aztec Bronze '66 with what looked like original paint buried in the back of one of those buildings in the first segment, then later on as the forklift was moving pallets outside, I assume the same '66 was parked outside with a couple of Camaros. I was hoping he would take his camera over so we could get a look, but no dice. I read in the comment section on youtube, the car was sold.

In another shot, there was someone moving around a '66 Malibu deck lid, so I bet there's a bunch of '66-67 parts scattered in that lot.

Jeez what a find. The nice thing is that Heartbeat City will sell everything for very reasonable prices. :rolleyes:
72's with a column automatic and bench seats were great when I was a teenager on dates. Man if my Bronze Chevelle could talk.
Yes, my ‘67 had the base bench seat and I loved that thing. Great for dating in high school for sure. Even today I still prefer the bench over buckets with a console. It’s all about personal choice, just like what year Chevelle is best! Best is just what you prefer or what you had in my opinion. They are all great! I’d like to have 1 of each body style personally!
Never underestimate the power and comfort of a station wagon. I had a '69 Ford Country Squire station wagon (bought it for $25 from my parents friend) and it served me (and the girls I dated) well.

The back seat was always down, and a sleeping bag with pillow was always open and ready.
Never underestimate the power and comfort of a station wagon. I had a '69 Ford Country Squire station wagon (bought it for $25 from my parents friend) and it served me (and the girls I dated) well.

The back seat was always down, and a sleeping bag with pillow was always open and ready.

Hence the term, Shaggin-Wagon!
Always mixed feeling when seeing such museums. Glad to run through all this and have it available, but I remember all that stuff and it's engrained in memory and I'm just not ready to call my youth historic.
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