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Yikes OCS

Invite him over here if you would like to, but from his post he seems to thrive on conflict on OCS with the mods.

Oh, heck no. Do not invite him over here. He is nothing but an argumentative jerk. He never listens to ANYONE who has experience - he thinks that he knows everything.
Oh, heck no. Do not invite him over here. He is nothing but an argumentative jerk. He never listens to ANYONE who has experience - he thinks that he knows everything.

Hence why I said he seems to thrive on conflict. Eventually at some point someone like that will show up here and they'll be dealt with appropriately.
What, we will have him cowering in a corner crying for his mommy?

No, we will politely explain (not just ban) that behavior is not acceptable here.

If the other person persists in not being respectful, then they will be forced to leave.

We've only had to do that once, but hopefully it won't be a regular occurrence.
No, we will politely explain (not just ban) that behavior is not acceptable here.

If the other person persists in not being respectful, then they will be forced to leave.

We've only had to do that once, but hopefully it won't be a regular occurrence.
Your no fun :)
Invite him over here if you would like to, but from his post he seems to thrive on conflict on OCS with the mods.
He stays in line over at Nasty Z/28 I see and I am not sure why but I think when people get pissed it for a reason. Look at Aaron, that guys posts are most of the time out of this world and he sure does not know what the hell he's talking about most of the time. I called him a troll over there and boy his butt buddies PM'ed me to say he was a really nice guy. LOL. Seems like he can dish it out but can't take the BS shoved back in his face. It's good that if they do come here you are willing to hammer down on these guys if they get out of line. (y)
He stays in line over at Nasty Z/28 I see and I am not sure why but I think when people get pissed it for a reason. Look at Aaron, that guys posts are most of the time out of this world and he sure does not know what the hell he's talking about most of the time. I called him a troll over there and boy his butt buddies PM'ed me to say he was a really nice guy. LOL. Seems like he can dish it out but can't take the BS shoved back in his face. It's good that if they do come here you are willing to hammer down on these guys if they get out of line. (y)

Everyone is welcome as long as they can respect others and discuss in a good way. Conversations will get heated from time to time as that's the nature of different people, but as long as things stay respectful, everyone is invited to be here.
Well Thanks for that terrible news Cat ! now they are on my boycott list ! And my wife just pointed our 'right before Valentines Day'. And we eat A LOT of chocolate ! Guess im finding a different brand ! And Kevin and I were just discussing Peanut Butter Cups !
Which Dove is better? Dark or Milk?

Sorry for the question, but I'm not a chocolate connoisseur.
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