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Yikes OCS

More for engines & racing, oh & politics I guess. Lots of name calling too I think.
More for engines & racing, oh & politics I guess. Lots of name calling too I think.

Never heard of it, but that doesn't mean much.
Some funny stuff.
I didn't read the whole thing so beware. Cause I know this is not CE.
Had a co-worker that was a sucker for redheads, haven't spoken to him about Psaki, but I'd bet he's smitten....and he's a deep dimocritter.
I've dated 2 redheads in my life (both before I was 20), and both were freaky (sex wise).

Neither lasted long because redheads are flat out bitches and boy it was like a switch, one minute everything is fine, and the next minute you'd better guard your neck and private areas from imminent attack (and not friendly attack either).

No redheads, never ever again.
I've had a couple one nighters but never stayed around long enough to see their wrath. My ex was a very light strawberry blonde, so she only went off if provoked....and I did plenty of that.
I've had a couple one nighters but never stayed around long enough to see their wrath. My ex was a very light strawberry blonde, so she only went off if provoked....and I did plenty of that.

My ex was strawberry blond with red highlights in the summer sun, and I thought she was just a bitch (soon as I put the wedding ring on), but it turns out she was diagnosed bi -polar 10 years after we divorced (more like an insta bitch on steroids), but she hasn't dated in more than 20 years my daughter tells me.
That's the problem with many sites now, opinions are no longer tolerated because they oppose someone else's opinion who might have control or be a moderator.

That's what free speech is about, each person has the right to state their opinion and like it or not, it IS their opinion, but right now it's being censored, and that's completely wrong.
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