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Yikes OCS

This has been my reasoning behind the alphabet soup evil being thrust on our kids and filtering into just about every policy. Add "acceptance" as an invite to accepting the filth that has consumed our world. In Oregon we have 3 candidates for gov.....all women, We have a woman sec. of state. We have far more, approaching 80% women teachers, women majority in the school board, and the men that do run check their nuts at the door. Certainly isn't this easy to explain, but consider the empathy towards anyone of any beliefs and you have opened yourself up to a corrupt system.
You don't need to explain it, Jerry. All of us above the age of 40 understands it or they should.

I keep asking myself if I'm out of touch with society because I'm older now, but I keep coming back to "society is out of touch with reality". I'm not the problem here...idiot america taking over is the fucking problem.
Maybe not to explain but to affirm. We all doubt ourselves a little bit but you've said it all when you say it's a societal or even generation thing, but I need to add....it's what we've started or perpetuated, but I need to add.....just saw Halloween Ends, and the most telling line of the movie was evil doesn't go away, it just changed shape.
Maybe not to explain but to affirm. We all doubt ourselves a little bit but you've said it all when you say it's a societal or even generation thing, but I need to add....it's what we've started or perpetuated, but I need to add.....just saw Halloween Ends, and the most telling line of the movie was evil doesn't go away, it just changed shape.
I think it's more along the lines of the "retarded leading the sheep".

Speaking of hypocrites. Yikes Old Chevelle site!
I just started a thread asking why THIS SITE Is using joined dates from the OCS!.
And I do enjoy this site. I come here more often than the OCS. Where I see hypocrisy is granting status where it's not earned. If your granting Senior member willy nilly then that's your choice. Sounds like a liberal socialist policy to me. 🤣
Funny to see that OCS No Politics Policy Comment pasted above coming from oldcutlass who was a major biden political shit stirrer on that page
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And I do enjoy this site. I come here more often than the OCS. Where I see hypocrisy is granting status where it's not earned. If your granting Senior member willy nilly then that's your choice. Sounds like a liberal socialist policy to me. 🤣

The status of "Senior Member" was granted to all those who were personally invited to do the trial run before we made it public, no other reason.

You joined 2 days after the site was live to the public. We're not trying to be anything other than ourselves here.

Is there something you'd like to change?
And I do enjoy this site. I come here more often than the OCS. Where I see hypocrisy is granting status where it's not earned. If your granting Senior member willy nilly then that's your choice. Sounds like a liberal socialist policy to me. 🤣
We could change from the current status to customized ones. We can even give you a custom label, within reason of course.
I would just like to know why members who joined here AFTER ME have that badge if it's for those who were 2 days before me???
There is a member, who I don't want to drag In to this out of respect, that I know joined here much later than myself. He had joined the OCS before 2000. He is listed as a senior member here.
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