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Old Chevelles

Welcome to OldChevelles.com, built by Auto Enthusiasts for Auto Enthusiasts. Cars are not our only interests so please feel free to post about any subject the community might enjoy or you just feel you need to air.

We respect free speech and constructive dialogue however we don't allow threatening talk against members, nudity, or pornography. Threads are monitored and trolls are not tolerated.

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  • We've enabled the website app for anyone who wants to use it on a mobile or desktop device.

  • We've changed the header logo to display our Member's Cars.

    If you'd like your car to show up there, go to the forum Site Bugs & Feature Requests and post your image in the "Member's Car Pictures for the Header Logo" and we'll add your car into the lineup.

OK, here goes something?

Alan F

Senior Member
First I want to thank the individuals responsible for this site. I don't know who all did the work, but WELL DONE! I like it. Thank you. That said, I want to lay out my thoughts about what will sustain the site.

I had the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time when the internet exploded. I was an early technology adopter and had a Chevrolet A body that I was "fixing up" in 1995. I found the OCS (other Chevelle site) in a search that lead to the brand new (at that time) ACES organization. There was a link to ACES Technical Forum which led to OCS. It started inauspiciously but activity really went through the roof by the end of the millennia. What was in full force and effect was an abundance of help AND camaraderie. People wanted to belong. For a variety of reasons, it is now a victim of its own success. I don't see it recoverable and am so sad to even utter that pronouncement because I know it would upset people I know at OCS and why I want to abandon here my persona there. I have logged off.

From my observation and experience this site needs the following:
1. Leadership is important. Leadership that nurtures people by supporting rather than knocking them down. There were several people on OCS in the early days that were reliably the 'voice of reason' without being authoritarian. Skip Cain (RIP) was the most obvious to me. If you weren't there, you just can't comprehend how different was. There was a reverence for the group by the group, taken as a whole. Too many "personalities" kill the group dynamic.
2. This site needs to create a unique identity, even though it's about Chevelles. One example, I will suggest, is to keep it as a hobbyist site. This is going to eliminate those that wish to profit at someone else's expense. There are also those possess a wealth of knowledge or experience. But if a superior attitude arrives with it, it can be off-putting to regular guys. That's a slippery slope that only goes downhill when that attitude pervades the dialog.
3. Keep it Civil. Find a way to get people to know each other personally and keep it on that level. If someone doesn't want to respect each other, this shouldn't be the place for them. There used to be NO sniping at OCS. Hardly a thread can go by without it now. It just degrades the site because of the erosion of civility.

With this architecture, it will be a long term success.

One other thought, I would be willing to financially support this site if it meets my objectives. At OCS my sense of belonging was elevated by having a precious metal attached to my login and the other benefits that we used to get for it. I don't think it discouraged anyone from participation. It's like upgrading your cable to premium channels.
My name is Kevin, and I built and own this site, and thank you for the kind words. Jon (Chevelle_Nut) has also helped to configure this site, and he's also an administrator (as well as moderator).

I believe most people already know the OCS and I'm sure many share your feelings regarding what was once good. We will hold true to our core beliefs of making this a place where everyone is welcome, as long as they behave.

1. Our leadership consists of two (2) Administrators and about 30 members (those personally invited by myself and Jon) when we started this site. We believe in helping others and wish to share the knowledge we have with anyone and not just about cars, but in life as well. This site is meant to encompass any subject and all subjects and provide meaningful dialog for anyone who seeks an ear to listen and any help we can offer.

2. This IS a hobbyist site. This is a site where "friends help friends". Each person was gifted by God with a unique set of abilities and this site is meant to foster those abilities and share them with others. Here, we are all the same, but some may know more than others and they may offer to help, but we will never allow anyone with an elitist attitude put down another member because of a lack of knowledge. We just won't allow it to happen. Period.

3. The people currently on this site were personally invited because they hold a set of standards and want to support each other, but not just in working on cars (a hobby we all enjoy), but in other facets of life as well because there is more life beyond cars. The idea of this site is to allow everyone to speak their mind, but to be respectful to each other. There may come a time when trolls try to infiltrate this site and they will be quickly banned. We WILL NOT allow our friendships to be compromised by those who would like to cause controversy. The people here are civil until backed into a corner by someone looking to start an argument, and that will not be tolerated. Those who instigate fights will be warned once, and if it persists, they will be banned permanently.

These are some of my thoughts in regards to your observations, and to be honest, we will never seek financial support as I want this site to be free for everyone to have a voice, and everyone here is the same, just with differing knowledge levels. If you look at my title it says what I think of myself, I'm a janitor. I don't see myself as better or less than anyone else in this world, and everyone is important (well, maybe not Joe Biden, but that will have to be a different thread).

In closing, I hope what I've explained is something you can see going forward and those who started here (those whom we invited in the beginning) will all have a voice on how the site goes forward.
My name is Kevin, and I built and own this site, and thank you for the kind words. Jon (Chevelle_Nut) has also helped to configure this site, and he's also an administrator (as well as moderator).

I believe most people already know the OCS and I'm sure many share your feelings regarding what was once good. We will hold true to our core beliefs of making this a place where everyone is welcome, as long as they behave.

1. Our leadership consists of two (2) Administrators and about 30 members (those personally invited by myself and Jon) when we started this site. We believe in helping others and wish to share the knowledge we have with anyone and not just about cars, but in life as well. This site is meant to encompass any subject and all subjects and provide meaningful dialog for anyone who seeks an ear to listen and any help we can offer.

2. This IS a hobbyist site. This is a site where "friends help friends". Each person was gifted by God with a unique set of abilities and this site is meant to foster those abilities and share them with others. Here, we are all the same, but some may know more than others and they may offer to help, but we will never allow anyone with an elitist attitude put down another member because of a lack of knowledge. We just won't allow it to happen. Period.

3. The people currently on this site were personally invited because they hold a set of standards and want to support each other, but not just in working on cars (a hobby we all enjoy), but in other facets of life as well because there is more life beyond cars. The idea of this site is to allow everyone to speak their mind, but to be respectful to each other. There may come a time when trolls try to infiltrate this site and they will be quickly banned. We WILL NOT allow our friendships to be compromised by those who would like to cause controversy. The people here are civil until backed into a corner by someone looking to start an argument, and that will not be tolerated. Those who instigate fights will be warned once, and if it persists, they will be banned permanently.

These are some of my thoughts in regards to your observations, and to be honest, we will never seek financial support as I want this site to be free for everyone to have a voice, and everyone here is the same, just with differing knowledge levels. If you look at my title it says what I think of myself, I'm a janitor. I don't see myself as better or less than anyone else in this world, and everyone is important (well, maybe not Joe Biden, but that will have to be a different thread).

In closing, I hope what I've explained is something you can see going forward and those who started here (those whom we invited in the beginning) will all have a voice on how the site goes forward.
It seems odd to me that in a time where once very popular message boards are fading into irrelevancy, that these sites would choose to be more restrictive and narrow their appeal by limiting off topic discussion. For what? So that the most sensitive 2% can sleep better at night having not read something that they disagreed with?
Whats happened on OCS I suspect is happening elsewhere. Maybe there’s a “market” for old car guys of different makes; a more general, not Chevelle specific board. Kind of like hotrodders.com but more friendly to off topic discussion and other non car related common interests like diy, camping, RV and other stuff that car guys gravitate to. I see that some of those things are already available here. I guess what I’m saying is that if people are on other boards (Olds, Buick, Mustang, LS etc) should they discretely invite those people too providing they are like minded?
I don’t what to step on anyone’s toes if this is not what the boards owner, mods what for this board.
I’m sure there is a need to be discrete in making others aware of this board although it seems silly to be butt hurt that people are choosing to go elsewhere for discussion that you’ve banned.

Thanks to Kevin and Jon for creating this site. I know that owning and moderating a message board can be a pain in the ass and a thankless job.
It seems odd to me that in a time where once very popular message boards are fading into irrelevancy, that these sites would choose to be more restrictive and narrow their appeal by limiting off topic discussion. For what? So that the most sensitive 2% can sleep better at night having not read something that they disagreed with?
Whats happened on OCS I suspect is happening elsewhere. Maybe there’s a “market” for old car guys of different makes; a more general, not Chevelle specific board. Kind of like hotrodders.com but more friendly to off topic discussion and other non car related common interests like diy, camping, RV and other stuff that car guys gravitate to. I see that some of those things are already available here. I guess what I’m saying is that if people are on other boards (Olds, Buick, Mustang, LS etc) should they discretely invite those people too providing they are like minded?
I don’t what to step on anyone’s toes if this is not what the boards owner, mods what for this board.
I’m sure there is a need to be discrete in making others aware of this board although it seems silly to be butt hurt that people are choosing to go elsewhere for discussion that you’ve banned.

You make a valid point John, but our thoughts were to at least warn members if they did publicly choose to invite those from OCS they may be banned, and if they would like to stay active on both sites, we don't want anyone to lose that ability.
I agree, this type of discussion should be done privately since I’m sure mods of other boards would take it as poaching.
I agree, this type of discussion should be done privately since I’m sure mods of other boards would take it as poaching.

Exactly. Most other sites count on membership to provide income, whereas this site doesn't. We wouldn't consider it poaching if someone decided to go elsewhere (leave here or be on multiple sites), but then again, we don't need the money to keep the lights on, I pay for it out of my pocket.
Not to talk about OCS too much, but other than political talk, were there other problems there with incivility towards others? I’ve always found it to be one of the most polite boards I visit. Other than one member who posted almost exclusively in the bodywork forum at least….
Not to talk about OCS too much, but other than political talk, we’re there other problems there with incivility towards others? I’ve always found it to be one of the most polite boards I visit. Other than one member who posted almost exclusively in the bodywork forum at least….

I think it was mostly civil, but the bigger problem was censorship. They are based in Canada, and I suspect they are being governed by Canadian laws for speech. As far as other issues, there were some real meatheads who endeavored to start arguments quite frequently and I guess the mods had enough of it, and that's why I started this site. Everyone who comes here has a voice, as long as they behave.
Not to talk about OCS too much, but other than political talk, were there other problems there with incivility towards others? I’ve always found it to be one of the most polite boards I visit. Other than one member who posted almost exclusively in the bodywork forum at least….
I agree, the OCS has always been polite when I asked tech questions. The main issue with that site is the loss of free speech, even in BR mods are bieng overlords not letting people discuss things in a non restrictive manner.
I'd guess there were more members that just didn't want to be bothered with reality, not really indifferent to an opinion. Some have a defense trigger that just turns their heads because they can't or won't be forced to face the reality of our current government.
I'd guess there were more members that just didn't want to be bothered with reality, not really indifferent to an opinion. Some have a defense trigger that just turns their heads because they can't or won't be forced to face the reality of our current government.
I was wondering if all the talk in CE was stirring the pot and getting the whole Chevelle site noticed.
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