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Polishing and Waxing

Hang onto those Excursions, they are hard to find in decent condition.

I sold mine 7 years ago since the kids had grown and she really didn't need anything that big anymore. Lisa didn't want to sell it, but logic dictated not keeping it, so we sold it, but she wishes we still had it.

When I sold it we had 235k on it I think and she ran strong like a raped ape. I sold it for more than I bought it for because they are hard to find, especially the 7.3's, and in that good a shape.

Bet if I were selling it today in that condition, I'd get double for what I paid for it (originally paid $8,100).
Owning an Excursion is like driving a modern classic. They were produced for 5 years and like Star Trek there is a cult following.

My Excursion is one of the newest, a late 2005. The Super Duty's had major changes in 2005 but the Excursion did not change much from 2004, in fact early 2005 Excursions had left over 2004 engines installed in them.

2000 was the start of the Excursion, offered with a 5.4l and 6.8l gas engine and a 7.3l diesel. In 2003 the same engines were offered but in mid year the 6.0L Diesel replaced the 7.3. 2003 7.3l Excursions are the Holy Grail. In 2004 it was decided the line would be discontinued in 2005 to allow for increased pickup production in the Kentucky plant, and because of declining sales.

They will never produce another SUV the size of an Excursion and God willing I will be keeping mine for many years.
I had a 6.2 (379ci) in an 84 1ton (crew cab). Basically a bored 350 gas. Yes it was horrible in stock form. We put a Banks Sidewinder Turbo kit on it and really woke it up. You couldn't kill that engine and super simple to work on. It was nice having it in the 90's as Diesel was still cheaper than gas and the Diesel Truck wars hadnt happened yet. Everyone always gave me a hard time having an old mans Diesel Crew truck. Then it became cool and diesel for some reason went higher than gas ! Never understood that.

The military had the CUCV pickups, Blazers, and suburbans with that engine and some can still be found. Even when the first HUMMVEE came out, it had a NA 6.2 prior to transitioning to the 6.5 turbo version
The Suburban 2500 with the 6.0 l gas engine was the only competitor to the Excursion. The Ford Triton 6.8L V-10 was comparable to the diesel with less torque. The 2500 Suburban is a desirable beast too, ultra hard to find.
News to me, .. these prices are insane!!
Here's a '04 and '03 example, crazy money.

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