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Enjoy the humor.

Saw many of those in CT when we lived there. Going on I-84 from Hartford to Manchester there were always a number of accidents.

Soon as snow was on the road (or forecasted), I was in my 1 ton 4x4 in high and keeping to the center as the rest would wipe out off the sides or into the center median.
I seen snow on the ground here in st Pete in the early 70’s but it just barely covered the ground and only lasted a cpl hrs
I remember a few times it snowed in Dallas. News pictures were amazing.
I heard Atlanta is pretty brutal when it snows. My cousin was in Atlanta one time & it snowed, he was leaving a motel & the clerk said don't leave it snowed out. I don't know what he said but being from here what's the big panic.
I heard Atlanta is pretty brutal when it snows. My cousin was in Atlanta one time & it snowed, he was leaving a motel & the clerk said don't leave it snowed out. I don't know what he said but being from here what's the big panic.
In the South we don't have snow tires and usually no tire tread, there are a few plows and salt brine does nothing and it can take days to get plows on the roads here. People are also scared to death driving, I grew up in the mountains up North and I can move around without much of an issue even in a Chevelle. Around here people creep, not realizing you need momentum and get stuck whereas I drive at 35-45 up and down hills. Funniest thing is to watch the rich farts in their BMWs get stuck on hills when I come putsing along past them.

Ice is our problem, no good comes from it.
Black ice is what sucks the worst. Looks like pavement, next thing you know you're spinning around hoping for the best.

One of the first times Lisa was taking me to see her Grandma, she hit a patch of black ice we started spinning ended up in a snow bank, I pushed her back out and we went back to my place (which she eventually moved into). She called her Grandma and told her what happened and told her we'd have to come another day. Was a nice warm afternoon in bed for us.
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