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Blown Chevelle Wrecks Showing Off At CarShow In The UK.

I've seen this play out far too often, and this quote made me think of the politics in the past couple years........

"We’re sure the repair bill to get everything put back together made him think twice about blindly doing what the crowd wants."
My daughter has a friend living in London, she and her husband have two Mustang GT's that they imported. They bought complete cars due to parts availability. The is a huge vintage US car and rockabilly scene in the London area as well.
There is an old saying that I would paraphrase, The intelligence of a group will be equal to the IQ of the brightest member, divided by the number of members present". ***
So mobs are not the ones to take advice from.
This saying is usually applied to Gov. agencies such as Congress.

+++ Of course that would never apply here!
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