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I put 1 of 2 new ac systems in for a friend of mine today that's also co-owner of the Upholstery shop that put my interior in our Chevelle, he also has his sons 71 or 2 Chevelle in his garage, the engine builder that built my 489 short block, went over my top end work and dynoed it is going to build him a 440 stroked to 500 cu in that should be in the 700 hp range and run a/c, he showed me a spray out of HOK Candy Purple today, I told him tell everyone its Plum Crazy Candy, this is all for a 72 CUDA 440 4 spd car
Sounds killer. I have grown to appreciate Mopars in the last few decades. If I could pick one, it would probably be a 66 Satellite or Coronet. Maybe a 68-70 Super Bee.
As a kid are butts were hauled around in a '63 Impala SW which I thought was pretty cool. In maybe '75 it was in the shop for some reason and dad rented a blue barracuda, maybe a '73?? Hated that thing, doors seemed twice as thick as they needed to be, interior was all hard plastic, loud....and not in a good way, and dad literally seemed unhappy driving it. Never owned a mopar, and honestly wouldn't, newer than a '67 anyways. I do like some of the mid '60s furys, satellites and I have a thing for a '63 Savoy.
And that '63 SW......I'll never forget hopping in after school got out and one of the older kids rode his Schwinn by and said "63 chevy, cool!" ..... that kid is now a consistent winner at the local track, racing pro in a 10k rpm 289 pinto.
When I just turned 16 and still living under Dads Roof and working for him I wanted to buy my friends older bros 67 Coronet R/T with a 440 & 4 spd since he had bought a 69 Boss 302 Mustang so he was selling the R/T for $400, My dad went over with me to look at it and seen the wide tires, mags, big engine/4 spd and said No Way!, ended up buying my Dads friend 64 Tbird that had a Bad C6 trans for $350 then had to pull the trans by myself but my dad borrowed a trans jack from his friend that was going to rebuild it for my dad, did this on a pc of plywood in the side yard with Sand Spurs everywhere lol, I didn't put the TC in right (I think) and it always seemed to take off in 2nd gear, swapped that car for another friends dads 65 Impala 327 PG (y):)
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