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Who’s the a-hole


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So my son And I did some yard work yesterday. About 11 am my neighbor comes over to say we knocked out his back window of his truck with rocks. I told him I’d check the cameras to see. He said not to worry about it he will replace the window because it probably was a accident. I said yeah I hear you like when y’all broke my front door glass weed whipping(I have that on camera) and when y’all broke my wife’s FJ rear window( I don’t have the breaking of the glass but do have him weed whipping and rock/dust flying towards her truck) crap happens.(I paid for the repairs myself.)
He said maybe lift the deck next time I’m cutting (I was scalping the yard deck was at its lowest setting with bagger attached)
20 minutes later the cops where asking me if my video caught anything. I pulled it up and said my videos doesn’t show his truck, they are out of frame by 2 feet. The cop said if it was a accident He told them to file a insurance claim. He just wanted to see if my cameras caught anybody breaking the window. About 2 hours later the guys wife came over and said sorry about the cops coming over she doesn’t want us to think she called them on us. I told her that’s alright. And I’ll check the cameras to see if I can hear or see anything. I reviewed the camera and can here audible cracks(almost like a pellet gun) and a thud as a car drove by about 50 mph. Lawnmower footage shows my son standing facing the truck as I run the lawn mower across grass by the road. No noise other then the mower. Son said he didn’t see the window shattered until the guy was backing out about 3 hours later.
This morning she sent me a invoice for the rear window and I sent her a video of the car speeding past with the cracks and thud. She of course said she can’t hear anything. Who’s the a-hole here.
Tell her to f off and if she has no proof take me to court, she and her's are the dicks here. I have people like that by me accusing me of all kinds of shit all the time. Now that I am out on my property with my new shotgun they all are quit as mice. One day when I was out the one asswipe call the cops and of course the cops came lickity split when they hear gun, about 7 cops were on me like flys on sheet. I set the shot gun down (unloaded) they all checked it out and handed it back to me saying all is ok. I asked if it was legal to have it on my land if I do not aim it at anyone but the cop said it's ok but they don't encourage that. Good I said, after they left I went back out with the gun and coked it again. Not one of those chicken sheets has called on me again. No one screws with me anymore as I tell them now I have the "I don't give a crap what I say card" and I got it at the SS office when I turned 65, people say "really"? LMAO!
There's been some dialogue about the difference between liberals and conservatives, wherein the latter as a whole are more circumspect about their actions and reactions. On the other hand, liberals are too ready to push every boundary as if they know that conservative people will let a modicum of things go by. It appears this neighbor is of that ilk.
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