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The OCS at it Again


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Post #14 · 36 m ago
Qoute from " Steve69SS396"
What exactly prompted that? Nobody has said anything about street racing. This is about going to the track and submitting your times. WOW!
Well WOW!, What exactly prompted was the subject "racing" which has always started the street racing posts here since 1996.

It was just a reminder for those newer folks that may not have known our rule about street racing, that's all.

Mid-America Chevelle Club


Post # 11
Just remember that no street racing posts are allowed here.

Okay I call BS Dean
as the OP and others were talking about Time Slips // Look at the Title for Gods Sake " Drag Racing Times "
which you do not see or get on the street

So will someone there, who ever started the BS about Street Racing ( Dean ?! ) get off their High Horse
and get Real for once
as you just Ruined a Good Thread and Idea with your BS, Dean !!

Maybe that was your purpose ??
Okay I call BS Dean
as the OP and others were talking about Time Slips // Look at the Title for Gods Sake " Drag Racing Times "
which you do not see or get on the street

So will someone there, who ever started the BS about Street Racing ( Dean ?! ) get off their High Horse
and get Real for once
as you just Ruined a Good Thread and Idea with your BS, Dean !!
Too bad it'll never stop. Now that they are employing their tactics, it only further serves to diminish what was once good.

They are going down the wrong path and none of them can see that, and that will be just another nail in the coffin for them.
I get time slips (kinda) with my Street Racing. Its in my DRAGY app. Not perfect, though from what I've seen with others using DRAGY and track time slips, its pretty accurate.

You're not going to promote street racing any more or less than all the TV shows and YT Channels.
Dean consistently posts on non-car topics then condemns the non-car topics that he don't like and even locks a few of them. I don't understand, another overreach that we should never be comfortable with.
When I raced on the street I always had a 10 sec time slip in the glove box, wasn't mine but everyone though it was. Who cars if you talk about street racing, it's not like your talking transgender or something stupid like that.
I peeked over there and seen Dean was also the guy that exposed a double identity in a post that he was ready to drop the hammer on. Doubt if the guy he exposed wanted to be unmasked, but that didn't stop ol Dean. Used to think the guy was just an older uncle type that earned his right to be cranky, now I realize he's got an axe to grind and he's feeling empowered to do so. Like Billweeny, he's been butt hurt a number of times and stepped down after a "goodbye cruel otc" post. Then everyone, including myself begged him to come back.....I regret that.
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