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Love the hair

That's just not right. Guy needs a psychotherapist to work through his issues.


"A fictosexual” man who wed a fictional, computer-synthesized pop singer four years ago said he’s now unable to communicate with his wife, but is still in love with her."

So its a fact that Marriage is the same no matter who or what you marry !

No Sir Mr. Akihiko. She is like every wife. She's just learned to ignore the 90% of non-sense that comes from all of us men. Happens to all of us !
This (or pedophilia) is the next frontier for the Dems once the whole trans thing gets tiresome and people can no longer pretend to be outraged.

Fucking LOL at the video. “She” is a 4 inch tall hologram projected inside a device the size on airfryer. And this isn’t a fulfilling relationship?! This has to be a put on.
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