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Computer Infected Warning


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Last week I got that message on my Computer. After trying to unlock the computer I called the so called Microsoft number they tell you to call. I kind of got suspicious as soon as they answered the phone sounded like a chinese girl. After trying this and that she finally got her supervisor on the phone. He tried a few things and said I can't help you from here but I can tell you how to fix it offline. He told me I had to go to a CVS or Walgreens and purchase $500 worth of gift cards. He told me to get dressed and go now and he would hold on the phone at that point I hung up the phone. The computer was still screwed up repeating about the warning. Tonight I got the same message when I clicked on something on the Fox website. I couldn't remember how I got it working again the last time so I finally restarted the computer and that cleared it. I did a check for security and updates and there were a few dealing with malicious websites. So I downloaded them rechecked the computer and it's been fine.
Last week I got that message on my Computer. After trying to unlock the computer I called the so called Microsoft number they tell you to call. I kind of got suspicious as soon as they answered the phone sounded like a chinese girl. After trying this and that she finally got her supervisor on the phone. He tried a few things and said I can't help you from here but I can tell you how to fix it offline. He told me I had to go to a CVS or Walgreens and purchase $500 worth of gift cards. He told me to get dressed and go now and he would hold on the phone at that point I hung up the phone. The computer was still screwed up repeating about the warning. Tonight I got the same message when I clicked on something on the Fox website. I couldn't remember how I got it working again the last time so I finally restarted the computer and that cleared it. I did a check for security and updates and there were a few dealing with malicious websites. So I downloaded them rechecked the computer and it's been fine.
My elderly mother ran around town buying gift cards until the credit card company shut it down. Frickin scammers!
Last week I got that message on my Computer. After trying to unlock the computer I called the so called Microsoft number they tell you to call. I kind of got suspicious as soon as they answered the phone sounded like a chinese girl. After trying this and that she finally got her supervisor on the phone. He tried a few things and said I can't help you from here but I can tell you how to fix it offline. He told me I had to go to a CVS or Walgreens and purchase $500 worth of gift cards. He told me to get dressed and go now and he would hold on the phone at that point I hung up the phone. The computer was still screwed up repeating about the warning. Tonight I got the same message when I clicked on something on the Fox website. I couldn't remember how I got it working again the last time so I finally restarted the computer and that cleared it. I did a check for security and updates and there were a few dealing with malicious websites. So I downloaded them rechecked the computer and it's been fine.

This is a common thing. Foreigners (take you pick) do this all the time by spoofing telephone numbers and get you to call them and then they walk you through installing the fix, but it's really a trojan. Your browser was hijacked and it brought you to the website.

Download Sophos and run that to completion, and if it's infected, it'll kill it.
NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER call ANY phone number that pops up on your computer screen. Microsoft will NEVER ask you to contact them in that manner, nor will they ever call you out of the blue. I have punishments in mind for hackers/scammers, but they are not allowed.
NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER call ANY phone number that pops up on your computer screen. Microsoft will NEVER ask you to contact them in that manner, nor will they ever call you out of the blue. I have punishments in mind for hackers/scammers, but they are not allowed.
I know somebody with cottonwood trees.
NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER call ANY phone number that pops up on your computer screen. Microsoft will NEVER ask you to contact them in that manner, nor will they ever call you out of the blue. I have punishments in mind for hackers/scammers, but they are not allowed.
Yeah normally if you just restart the computer it's fine. My father-in-law is 91 and he got that message. Scared the hell outta him LOL
NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER call ANY phone number that pops up on your computer screen. Microsoft will NEVER ask you to contact them in that manner, nor will they ever call you out of the blue. I have punishments in mind for hackers/scammers, but they are not allowed.
I call them all the time from my burner phone and phuck with them until they hang up on me. I think I am on a do not call list now, LMAO.
Got a text yesterday saying I was being charged $1500 and to cancel the order or connect with customer support, please call xxxxxxxxx........fuck them. Soon, I'm going to close the laptop, only using the phone for the phone for a week's time, and see if it makes my blood pressure go down.
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