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"the janitor", hell of a guy!!


Well-Known Member
I wanted everyone to know what an amazing guy we have here on the forum. So I hope Kevin is okay with me saying this but today he invited me over to his place to so I could get the bench from his 67 and restore it for my 66 el camino. Well first he showed my around his kick ass RV and cars, then his wife invited me in for breakfast and then after he helped me get the bench out. I do not know many people this generous and I am very grateful for what he did for me. This is what hotrodding is all about! Usually benches that pop up for sale are always 1000 miles away and a couple hundred bucks not to mention shipping! Thank you Kevin for the last piece to get the el camino done!


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My buddy was lacking customers for his auto upholstery biz, so he took a job as a high school janitor, nice bennies, lousy pay. He lasted 1 year because he was an overachiever, didn't fit in, they comped him 20 yrs of auto tech experience and gave him a teaching job in auto shop. He's loving it and now gets full bennies....and that good gov. pension we all hear about.
One of my first jobs was as a janitor at 16 years old working at Woolco (used to be WoolWorth), and for me there was something oddly satisfying cleaning floors when no one was around.

Very quiet, no people, and just a sweeping motion of the mop when cleaning the floors.
I did it at 17, neighbor quit his engineering job and bought a van, cleaning stuff, and got a half dozen downtown office contracts. Me and him after 7pm to about 1 am or so.....school suffered and I lasted maybe 4 months. For me, it was the least inspiring job I've ever had, seeing the same offices every friggin night. Him......he's fairly set in life and a few of his kids are in it and very successful. There's money in filth.
For me it required no thought, and since my brain never stops, it provided me with a copious amount of time to think.
You got a seat and Kevin has one less thing to move! As my old boss would say, thats like a vietnamese wedding, Nguyen, Nguyen :)
I've had the same thing play out many times over my 25 years of Chevelling, met my best friend over a pair of hood hinges in '98.
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