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$10 gasoline and $15 diesel ?

Nashville Cat

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Senior Member
It could be coming. The feds have been draining the SPR (Strategic petroleum Reserve) in Oklahoma to try to lower prices.
You can only do this for so long .....

At the current record pace of SPR drainage, one way or another the Biden admin will have to end its artificial attempts to keep the price of oil lower some time in October
(or risk entering a war with China over Taiwan with virtually no oil reserve). This means that unless Putin ends his war some time in the next 5 months, there is a non-trivial
chance that oil will hit a record price around $200 - precisely the price the White House is bracing for - a few days before the midterms. While translates into $10+ gasoline.

And while one can speculate how much longer Democrats can continue the "Jan 6" dog and pony show as the entire economy implodes around them, how America will vote
in November when gas is double digits should not be a mystery to anyone.

This has long been a plan.
Laments from the "Left" (Greens/Socialist/Communist) that Americans "Do not pay a fair share price, like Europe" go back decades.
Not sure if their wet dream "Carbon Tax" has been figured in but if/when that happens expect at least another $1.00 a gallon.
Not sure where "Our" Gov. Org. alphabet agencies claim to derive the powers they are abusing to try to force everyone into the EV boondoggle.
But I am sure that I am SICK of unelected bureaucrats picking the winners and losers for our supposedly free market economy!
I have no doubt that they are profiting personally, stock manipulations and kick-backs surely abound.
There are articles saying that OPEC has no more excess capacity and they are pumping all they can pump.
The truth ?
Our desire to help Iran get nuclear weapons has pissed off Saudi Arabia and they are going to "burn us down" if they can !
I really believe this can happen.

It might assure us of a landslide win for sure, but wow is this going to be a really bad recession !
Do you think watching Russia laugh all the way to the bank will force us to drop the sanctions ? Nope, I don't think so.
I read today they are exporting 3M barrels per day out of Houston. Makes sense in this country, right?:mad:
Add Russia's control over the urea used in def, which is in extreme short demand. Trucking costs and shortages are going to be seeing emergency subsidy pretty quick.
Any Down Town (Liberal Mess) I get calls to get a $20 Fuel Sur Charge added, so far I don't think most even read the bill just the total amount lol, and to be honest I don't care if I dont get calls there since its no longer Service Vehicle friendly
Trump talked about $200 a barrel oil in 2019 me thinks. Let's hope we can get our people in and get a 2/3rds majority in the house and take over the senate to over ride that old asshole.
Trump talked about $200 a barrel oil in 2019 me thinks. Let's hope we can get our people in and get a 2/3rds majority in the house and take over the senate to over ride that old asshole.
As I recall we did not do oil exports prior to fracking and Trump.
Not sure who is buying the exported oil but it may be time to reserve it for our own use again.
And all those nimby/namby states that banned fracking can KMA, drill baby, DRILL.

Oh yea, let us not forget the post right here on this very forum discussing the likelihood of a large TX refinery being for sale but likely to be shuttered.
If the issue is lack of capacity closing another refinery may be the last straw.
Our fucktard President has screwed this up royally. Surprise, surprise. He’s crippling our country and putting the bad actors of the world in the drivers seat. Saw an article that the Saudis were not going to give Biden more oil and that Macron had to break the news to him. The Saudis didn’t even give Biden enough respect to tell him themselves (my interpretation).

Former Obama secretary of defense Robert Gates looks like a genius when he said “[Biden has] been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

You got an liberal friends? They definitely are getting tired of hearing about gas prices about now. Lol.
Our fucktard President has screwed this up royally. Surprise, surprise. He’s crippling our country and putting the bad actors of the world in the drivers seat. Saw an article that the Saudis were not going to give Biden more oil and that Macron had to break the news to him. The Saudis didn’t even give Biden enough respect to tell him themselves (my interpretation).

Former Obama secretary of defense Robert Gates looks like a genius when he said “[Biden has] been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

You got an liberal friends? They definitely are getting tired of hearing about gas prices about now. Lol.
But...But... It is Putin's fault!
Lol. Is that what’s this all about? Fighting the commies? Is this 1985? Funny to see the Dems who are profoundly unpatriotic and embarrassed of this country try to play the “Murica” card and pretend we are fighting the old Soviet Union all to protect their demented savior from being held accountable for his horrifically bad leadership.
The sanctions against Russia have raised the price of oil a lot. Russia has to ship their oil all the way to China.
Then China refines it, marks it up and resells it back to us.
And this happened after Biden scaled back drilling here, which drove oil prices up to $100.
Sanctions increased it $10 to $20 more.
Biden's not going to see the Saudi's now and says the American people will just have to suffer with rising fuel costs because of Russia, Russia. Russia. He also replied to a newsperson today when she asked him about the American people feeling America is going backwards and he replied nobody is saying that. I wish this lying bastard would croak because we can't stand another 2-1/2 years of him. I'm all for the Republicans winning big in November putting Trump in as Speaker Of The House and then impeaching both Biden and Kamala for the damage they have done to this country.
After Trumps second impeachment some predicted that "Every president will be impeached now".
Have to remember that impeachment and removal from office are two different things.
Slick Willie was impeached too, but also still served his full term.
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