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Is this just a passive intellect game or a 5g bible thumping? I'm all in for Bible interpretation, but follow a thought please.
Topic is religion. Idc who is being a troll the rest of us can have an intelligent conversation.
Well then, I'm sure you see a huge difference between western christianity and those in Egypt and Africa.
Like I said early on. The tour guide I had read from a scroll and then from the Bible. He explained the verse and how the translation was interpreted. It had a different meaning. The Bible didn't contradict itself, it just didn't follow the original writing from the scroll. The kjv and the Niv are translations that skew the original.

I also believe mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia as both the calf and the split rock with evidence of an ancient spring are still there. I also wonder if they have moses staff in a museum.
Like I said early on. The tour guide I had read from a scroll and then from the Bible. He explained the verse and how the translation was interpreted. It had a different meaning. The Bible didn't contradict itself, it just didn't follow the original writing from the scroll. The kjv and the Niv are translations that skew the original.

I also believe mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia as both the calf and the split rock with evidence of an ancient spring are still there. I also wonder if they have moses staff in a museum.
Thanks for sharing . I to know that the KJV has been changed from the original manuscript. That is why I said I got my reference there. The Spirit remains the same
Thanks for sharing . I to know that the KJV has been changed from the original manuscript. That is why I said I got my reference there. The Spirit remains the same
Well, isn't it anytime something is translated into another language it is changed?
The important question would be, 'is it an accurate translation?'
Would you agree that a translation into another language by the people that had/wrote the original scrolls would be an accurate translation?
Who could read the original unless you are in the original mind. Like reading post 1 who can translate the original posts mind. Or is it his spirit
Who could read the original unless you are in the original mind. Like reading post 1 who can translate the original posts mind. Or is it his spirit
72 bi-lingual Jewish Torah scholars who translated the Hebrew scrolls into the Greek language hundreds of year before Christ?
The Septuagint.
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The Holy Spirit (our teacher) is well aware of language shortcomings and barriers. (See Acts chapter 2)
Jesus and the Apostles (who wrote the new testament in Koine Greek (old Greek) quoted the Septuagint (LXX, the Greek translation) about 340 times. Way more than the Hebrew texts were quoted.
Considering that there are only 260 chapters in the new testament it is quoted substantially.
Who could read the original unless you are in the original mind. Like reading post 1 who can translate the original posts mind. Or is it his spirit
It sounds like you are trying to discredit the words of Jesus ?
If you want to understand the Bible's message, start with Jesus's words.
Very clear and straightforward. He pulls no punches.
He's either God or the most amazing con man ever. A con man who was willing to die as a sacrifice.
Follow the KISS principle
It sounds like you are trying to discredit the words of Jesus ?
If you want to understand the Bible's message, start with Jesus's words.
Very clear and straightforward. He pulls no punches.
He's either God or the most amazing con man ever. A con man who was willing to die as a sacrifice.
Follow the KISS principle
And a con man Who can tell the future before it happened, as it happened.
And Yeshua spoke Aramaic.

Jesus spoke Aramaic. It was his mother tongue and 2,000 years ago it was the main language throughout the Middle East. The New Testament, however, is translated from Greek into all the languages of the world. Aramaic expert and theologian Günther Schwarz (who died in 2009) was dissatisfied with the classical translation and studied Aramaic every day for 50 years in order to better understand Jesus in his native language. In doing so, he came to the realization that about half of all Jesus' words in the gospels were mistranslated or even deliberately falsified.
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