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What’d you work on today?

My dad got the Hobart Handler 190 I think last year. Really nice machines.

I already have a Lincoln Arc for doing bigger stuff, I just needed something for smaller stuff (which is what I do most 1/4" or less), otherwise if I didn't have the Lincoln Arc I would have gone to the 190 or bigger.
I keep getting tempted to pick up an ac/dc arc welder but ultimately glad I never have because I don’t need any more heavy, bulky crap cluttering up my garage.
I picked a Lincoln gas welding kit on a close out from Lowe’s a few years ago and have bottles but still haven’t really learned to use it and am afraid of blowing myself up. My Dads a capable gas welder so he’s shown me the basics but not using it, you quickly forget. I guess that’s what YouTube is for.
Mostly I just use my Millermatic 175. It’s a few years old before they made easy spool fun connections. So with my model you need an SGA controller in addition to the spool gun. To $$$$ to be practical.
So a few years ago I bought a generic spool gun set up that you can attach to the Millermatic and it works great. Just gotta practice more. Aluminum I found to be a bit harder. Seemed like I was on the border of not hot enough and blowing through all the time. Found doing a little preheat with the OA torch helped.

It’s a fun skill. Just gotta find more time to practice.
I learned how to gas weld before anything else. Oxy Acetylene setup is very basic but good, but it does pose a fire risk with an open flame.

I used to keep a oxy/acetylene torch for cutting steel, but when I bought a plasma cutter I never found a need to use it again and gave it to my son, but he prefers using my plasma cutter too, so I think he'll just hang onto the torch set because Dad gave it to him.
Trying to build a useful little trailer, from a pile of crap I bought 20 years ago. It's one of those cheap fold up big box store deals. Just want a small trailer for around the yard to pull behind the JD X485.
I started working for my dad in his appliance bus after school in 73 then full time in 75 and he never wanted to work on refrigeration or wall ac units and when I asked why he always said he liked working on laundry equip and stoves better, a cpl yrs before he died we were at our fav watering hole having a beer and another friend brought up ac repair, we were talking and my dad said he was always afraid of oxy/ace torches blowing up so never was interested in fixing refriges or window acs, I said all these yrs you never told me that, I wouldn't have worried about using the torches, he said yeah I know you would've probably blew us both up lol, corse this was after Id been an ac cont for a cpl yrs 🙂
I learned how to gas weld before anything else. Oxy Acetylene setup is very basic but good, but it does pose a fire risk with an open flame.

I used to keep a oxy/acetylene torch for cutting steel, but when I bought a plasma cutter I never found a need to use it again and gave it to my son, but he prefers using my plasma cutter too, so I think he'll just hang onto the torch set because Dad gave it to him.
I think I was about 8 when my Dad taught me to gas weld & braze, had the zinc flu several times before I figured it out. Surprised I have any brain cells left at all.
I think I was about 8 when my Dad taught me to gas weld & braze, had the zinc flu several times before I figured it out. Surprised I have any brain cells left at all.

Yep, funny how nobody tells you that stuff. No one ever told me to grind the zinc coating off before welding, and like you, I'm surprised I'm still alive. Hey, it looks nice and clean, it'll weld just fine... yeah rrrrright.
I'm sure my Dad told about the brazing that if you get it too hot it gives off the bad fumes. Galvanizing welds OK with 6011 just don't be in the way of the fumes.
Had a bunch of washers to weld on rebar & of coarse they were zinc. Put then in Muratic acid for about 10 minutes rinsed them off & they were fine.
Yep, my nose is cooked from it, wife says "I can't believe you can't smell ???" all the time lol, kind of a good thing some times, from replacing compressors in ac units, remove the tops and work leaning over the top of the unit while using torches
Fan & Torch don't work to good together, I have tried purging with around 5 psi dry nitrogen and some times it helps, when oil is present it'll get attracted to the heat and flame up and that's the worst IMO, been in bushes next to a bldg when that happened once and nowhere to lean back but didn't get burned just came close Edit now I use my sawzall to cut things away lol
Started the long tedious process of converting my 67 to buckets. I got the mounts welded in today, going to put some sound deadner down and then start building the buckets, getting damn expensive.


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Started the long tedious process of converting my 67 to buckets. I got the mounts welded in today, going to put some sound deadner down and then start building the buckets, getting damn expensive.

Gotta post pics as you go.... we want to see the transition....
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