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Ford jobs

Detroit Free Press: Ford to cut up to 3000 salaried jobs, a 'significant' percentage in Michigan.
This is what happens when you ship jobs offshore and the government allows global insourcing. Domestic manufacturers rode on their laurels far too long and people wanted change. A shame cheap offshore goods are the mainstay of the business world at the expense of national security.
All part of the "EV Revolution".
No need for ICE engineers and assemblers when all you make are EV's.
I wonder what the ICE Engineers will be able to charge to go back to work when the EV push ends as the fiasco it is certain to become?
I should call the Bellagio in Vegas and ask if they have a line I could bet on about that.
All part of the "EV Revolution".
No need for ICE engineers and assemblers when all you make are EV's.
I wonder what the ICE Engineers will be able to charge to go back to work when the EV push ends as the fiasco it is certain to become?
I should call the Bellagio in Vegas and ask if they have a line I could bet on about that.
I see the same future with EV's. They cannot be sustained long term. This isn't going to end well. What's next, Land Yacht's?
I hope this EV market that is being crammed down are throats turns into a total failure.
As the technology is now I would agree. But....
The technology is advancing very rapidly with new switching devices (even beyond silicon carbide) and greatly improved battery capacity (lithium sulfur for example) but these take 5 years or so to even start production much less become a main stream commodity.
We have not considered the infarstructure yet either.
The time horizon is quite long, as in decades.
I hope this EV market that is being crammed down are throats turns into a total failure.
As the technology is now I would agree. But....
The technology is advancing very rapidly with new switching devices (even beyond silicon carbide) and greatly improved battery capacity (lithium sulfur for example) but these take 5 years or so to even start production much less become a main stream commodity.
We have not considered the infarstructure yet either.
The time horizon is quite long, as in decades
An EV practical time-line of decades I can agree with.
Certainly well past my driving days.
No way it meets "The Great reset" agendas schedule that is being pushed on us.
I actually do not expect them to ever become so prevalent as the green mafia is demanding.
Out here in the wide west they are NOT practical and I doubt they ever will be.
When being stranded for a summer hour can be deadly waiting for a charge from a generator is not acceptable.
If/when genuine "Super-Capacitors*" of significant size are perfected the EV scam may become more legitimate.

* Fast charge - slow discharge capacitors.
The breakthrough has been "Imminent" for decades now.

And eff "The Great Reset" and WEF.
When people buy EVs and find them to be poor technology and waste money they will be leery of buying a "new and improved" EV. The Green Idiots know this and thus is the reason they are being forced. If you are hungry and the only thing to eat is liver, you will be forced to eat it, even if you detest the stuff.

The US will have older and older ICE cars on the road, like Cuba.
When people buy EVs and find them to be poor technology and waste money they will be leery of buying a "new and improved" EV. The Green Idiots know this and thus is the reason they are being forced. If you are hungry and the only thing to eat is liver, you will be forced to eat it, even if you detest the stuff.

The US will have older and older ICE cars on the road, like Cuba.
At every car show. :LOL:
I could do without the music as well but most who have those old cars are old people and evryone's earlier days are better than these days so in their minds they live in yesteryear (can't really blame them).
Some of the old cars have morphed into modern performance vehicles but some are simply pristine old cars. Different strokes I guess. Thing is that big brother didn't mandate them which would be the Proper American way.
My newest "Car" (C30 1-ton truck) is over forty years old.
I hope to sell it soon, to buy a much older car, a Morris Minor 1/4 ton pick-up from around 1961.
Most of my cars are over fifty years old.
The ones I am building from scratch use old parts.
I have zero interest in any new car, the prices are nuts and the Nanny features too annoying.
And of course they are ALL fugly!
My wife and I just took the Gold Chevelle to buy peaches and then to pick up slushies at Sonic. No computer needed.
I like Sonic but the local Sonic in Fullerton Ca looks like a homeless camp it's so nasty. PLUS, the spaces are built for cars like a smart car they're so small.
I like Sonic but the local Sonic in Fullerton Ca looks like a homeless camp it's so nasty. PLUS, the spaces are built for cars like a smart car they're so small.
Went thru the drive thru. We have limited choices in our small town, just a nice treat for both of us. Since the kids are gone I told her the Chevelles will be used a lot more.
Went thru the drive thru. We have limited choices in our small town, just a nice treat for both of us. Since the kids are gone I told her the Chevelles will be used a lot more.
oh, I love Sonic, just not the local Sonic. Lousy management/ownership.
Speaking of Sonic when they first came to Wallingford CT. they showed lines and lines of cars on the news so we waited about a month till the excitement wore off. When we finally went as we were driving out we said to each other we ain't going back there again. I had a hotdog that tasted like they forgot to cook it and the puff potatoes sucked too. They had put another one up in Farmington and that didn't last long.
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