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Chevelles at "King of the Mountain"


Veteran Member
There were 5 Chevelles competing at UMI's "King of the Mountain" last weekend.

Aaron Oberle

Derek Kiefer

Justin Nall

Jason Zapol

Lynda Jacobs

Aaron Oberle and myself both made the shootout. I coned out in the first round, and he coned out of the 2nd.

Justin Nall had the pace to make the shootout, but lost oil pressure and developed a rod knock during qualifying. He will be co-driving my car at SCCA Nationals next week.
Couldn't help but notice everyone has sponsors except you.... is that by choice?

I'm not the greatest at networking, and honestly don't want to feel obligated to be tied to anything... Just like to do it my own way I guess and hate asking for favors.

Justin Nall has been very helpful though and selling me stuff at cost, so we'll run his business Vector Force Industries stickers on my car during Nationals.
I'm not the greatest at networking, and honestly don't want to feel obligated to be tied to anything... Just like to do it my own way I guess and hate asking for favors.

Justin Nall has been very helpful though and selling me stuff at cost, so we'll run his business Vector Force Industries stickers on my car during Nationals.

I can respect that. I don't like owing anyone anything and I definitely like doing it my way.
Wow, someone built a 66 ragtop for autocross ?
Congrats on making the shootout !
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Is there a specific generation of these cars that tend to be a better platform for handling? I would assume the 68 and up but perhaps not.

Congratulations. Your car is badass and we’re proud of you guys representing Chevelles so well.
The 3" shorter wheelbase of 68+ helps some, but the earlier cars are a bit lighter.
The differences are pretty minimal, so it comes down to driver mostly if all else is equal.

We're at a pretty significant disadvantage to the Corvettes, Camaros, and Novas... especially on the tight stuff where size plays into it as much as weight.
I had the smallest tires in the class in the shootout (275s) and was 2nd heaviest.
At SCCA Nationals next week, I'll be the heaviest and largest car in the class, and likely on the smallest tires too.
3530 with a full tank, no driver.
Should be a bit lower next week with the fiberglass bumpers, but I'm adding a splitter so I don't know how much of the 30lb savings will go back on it.
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