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United Airlines wants to go electric

Nope. They can dream, but it will be met with great skepticism.

I don't fly anymore....and that's a good thing seeing how these rocket scientists think this is a good idea.
How long will a plane need to be grounded to recharge enough power to make 180,000 lbs fly?
And how much extra weight will the batteries add?

At least with fuel-load, the plane gets lighter as it burns off... no such luck with batteries.

I don't see it being even remotely feasible for commercial travel.
It's likely these companies know full well that they're not going electric any time soon, but there's some type of government money tied to making these announcements.

Maybe something like a billion dollar grant for a "feasibility study" that will cost them a couple hours to put a powerpoint together to highlight whatever results they want it to say.
I can't see how the electric engines would be capable to produce that much thrust and be able to sustain it for any reasonable amount of time (excess of 2 hours). Fly for 1 hour, then land to recharge? The payload is 90% batteries and 10% travelers?

How much will that cost or better yet, how much money will be pissed away on a stupid venture? These greenies need to get their heads out of their asses and come up for air once in a while.....
Funding and tackling negative talking points with a single example in every aspect of industry. Get it out there for the dog and pony show and watch the media frenzy. Doesn't have to be viable, just skim over the sheer awe of seeing it.
I'm out on flying unless I'm going fishing. 🎣 I see how their built. If in doubt, stamp it out.
There are a few Cessna "Sport" type wanna-be experimental class flying.
I have seen claims of short haul small load commercial passenger EV planes, but nothing actually FAA approved.
So this tripe has to be a LONG way from reality.
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