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Classic car insurance


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What do you guys use? Not sure what the current rules are but I seem to remember that when the Chevelle was insured with Haggarty, there were a lot of restrictions on use.

Looking to get the C10 insured and want to be able to pull my fishing boat, camp and go to Home Depot now and then. Thanks
I switched all my stuff over to LaRue, from Hagerty. Same coverage, less than half the price. No periodicals, no emails, no fluff, just insurance. The only difference I've recognized is Hagerty dispatches the tow vehicle when you're roadside, LaRue lets you choose and make your own distress call, then reimburses you with 0 restrictions. I like that, since I've used Hagerty roadside twice and the first time it took over an hour, and I was local. The second time, I gave up waiting and pulled out a vise grip and limped home in 3rd gear. Hagerty value shops their tows.
Never heard of LaRue but it sounds great. I’m gonna check them out.
Anyone have an opinion of Grundy?
I've had Hagerty for 10 years now. No restrictions, I feel a good value for the agreed value and I have the cherished plan so if a total loss I can pick the bones clean or rebuild.
Got a rate of $75 for 6 months from State Farm. I was blown away. Gotta see if I can do better on the Grand National.
Got a rate of $75 for 6 months from State Farm. I was blown away. Gotta see if I can do better on the Grand National.

That's exceptional, but is that for classic car insurance, and, do you already have a policy with them for any other coverage?
Got a rate of $75 for 6 months from State Farm. I was blown away. Gotta see if I can do better on the Grand National.
I was going to check with Farm Bureau. I have my home and Rav4 with them.
Seems like there should be good rates out there if I am the only driver listed as insured ?
I've has Hagerty for 10 years and never filed a claim on 2 cars.
I've been with Hagerty for 19 years, and never filed a claim.
They were the only ones who would insure me at age 21 with a classic policy at the time... never got around to shopping for anyone else.
I have Hagerty with $35K ins cost about $600 per year but I also have Cherished Value....Bones will be picked if something bad happens
I have $25k on the Olds and it's $650 a year and have never made a claim on any of my classics, but getting parts for the Olds is very difficult. After I paint the Olds I'll bump it to $40k and then sell it (on to the next car).
Got a rate of $75 for 6 months from State Farm. I was blown away. Gotta see if I can do better on the Grand National.
What's the agreed value and is it in writing? I don't trust "normal" insurance for classics. If totaled I fear getting a $300 check because that is "blue book"
What's the agreed value and is it in writing? I don't trust "normal" insurance for classics. If totaled I fear getting a $300 check because that is "blue book"
Normal insurance is only for daily drivers, even RV and boat insurance should be handled by specialty companies.
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