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For those of us who remember A Christmas Story (a classic), this is the trailer for Ralphy as all grown up in A Christmas Story 2.

A Christmas Story is without question the greatest holiday movie ever. I'm way more excited for this sequel than any 51 year old male should be. The fact that Ralphie himself is involved is just icing on the cake. I totally expect it to suck, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if I'm wrong.
A Christmas Story is without question the greatest holiday movie ever. I'm way more excited for this sequel than any 51 year old male should be. The fact that Ralphie himself is involved is just icing on the cake. I totally expect it to suck, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if I'm wrong.

As long as you don't shoot your eye out it'll be fine.......
A Christmas Story is without question the greatest holiday movie ever. I'm way more excited for this sequel than any 51 year old male should be. The fact that Ralphie himself is involved is just icing on the cake. I totally expect it to suck, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if I'm wrong.
I like Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation. Vacation gets my vote for the best.
This may be Randy Quaids' and Chevy Chases' finest performance IMHO.
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