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Nazareth Singer Dan McCafferty Dead At 76

I wore out an 8 track (not hard to do lol) and a cassette of Hair of the Dog, thanks for the Great tunes, RIP
Not sure, but the hayday for these SX receivers was around '76 then they cheapened the product. Bought this one, a SX1050 for $120 off ebay around 15 years back. The same unit is going for over $1k now.
I had a Marantz similar to that in the late 70's early 80's then a big Yamaha, don't even know where they went
Got a blue light Marantz in the shop, it's a bit underpowered so I'm always searching for something bigger. I've seen the biggest Marantz or the biggest SX go for close to $10k, a bit on the crazy side but if you've ever shopped for modern quality tube amps, they can run over $20k.

If you want to spend money but get good quality, Carver and McIntosh are the way to go. In the early '80s, I dated a girl who who had a Carver rig with Dahlquist speakers, have not heard anything better since. She's probably still rocking it!
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