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Allis Chalmers D10

I got the D10 into the garage, first thing I found is the starter would not spin, still working on reinstalling it after cleaning the brushes:


Like my gas tank?

Nature was doing a good job trying to reclaim this thing. Alternator is locked up tight but it looks like a Chevelle alternator will fit, I have one from a 69 307 somewhere in my collection of junk. Pulled the plugs, they looked decent, no rust on them, all I want is the engine to turn so I know how to proceed. If only so much crap wasn't blocking access to the crank pulley. Now to get the starter back in.
Nature was doing a good job trying to reclaim this thing. Alternator is locked up tight but it looks like a Chevelle alternator will fit, I have one from a 69 307 somewhere in my collection of junk. Pulled the plugs, they looked decent, no rust on them, all I want is the engine to turn so I know how to proceed. If only so much crap wasn't blocking access to the crank pulley. Now to get the starter back in.

This going to be another toy for you, or are you fixing it up for your sister-in-law?
This going to be another toy for you, or are you fixing it up for your sister-in-law?
IDK what I am going to do with it yet. Right now it is a project. My sister has no interest in it anymore as she has 2 newer tractors. If I can get it running I will evaluate what I am going to do and what I will spend on it.

Like a car restoration, I can buy one in much better shape running for a lot less than it will take to put this in action. Who knows, once running I may take it to a farm auction and let someone else take it over.

Around here a lot of people are restoring and playing with tractors, buying project cars are so expensive, tractors are at least still affordable.
IDK what I am going to do with it yet. Right now it is a project. My sister has no interest in it anymore as she has 2 newer tractors. If I can get it running I will evaluate what I am going to do and what I will spend on it.

Like a car restoration, I can buy one in much better shape running for a lot less than it will take to put this in action. Who knows, once running I may take it to a farm auction and let someone else take it over.

Around here a lot of people are restoring and playing with tractors, buying project cars are so expensive, tractors are at least still affordable.

Hmmm, if the price is right, I may know a buyer..... 😁
Engine is free, spins over with cables directly to the starter, added some ATF to try and bring the rings around. Wiring to controls is a hack job, wiring nuts, wrong gauge wires and all.
Engine is free, spins over with cables directly to the starter, added some ATF to try and bring the rings around. Wiring to controls is a hack job, wiring nuts, wrong gauge wires and all.

Don't look at the wiring as an issue, but an opportunity to excel to restoring it to factory specs. :cool:
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