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Abandoned Mustang


Veteran Member
Senior Member
Today makes 4 weeks since a young black guy left this Mustang sitting in front of my next door neighbors house with a flat tire and 1.5 year old expired plates, I was going to call police Non Emergency line 2 weeks ago and Kathy said "Why do we always have to be the ones to get anything done on this block?" So I said F it but it's really annoying since I have to parallel park my truck since the cars been there, think I should call to get it towed or wait to see if my neighbor ever decides to do it, Im 100% sure he dont know who left it there


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We had a truck that broke down on our road facing the wrong direction just barely out of the travel lane. My FIL was worried it was going to get hit as it was closest to his house. The truck was there for a week, I finally called the sheriff's department. I was told an officer would check it out. Nothing was done, I called back and was told that they can't tow, only the Highway Patrol can. I called them on the non-emergency line. A couple hours later a Trooper showed up and had it removed. He saw how dangerous it was when a logging truck went by it.

Even with law enforcement, nobody wants to do anything.
I really don't know if it's stolen but 1.5 yr expired tag and sitting 4 whole weeks with just a flat tire makes me wonder, same house guys daughters car has sat in the back driveway for 2 months just because of a flat tire but she's got her dads car to drive so I guess No hurry to fix the flat on her car lol, Im calling Non E police number, Im sick of looking at it
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