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Ed Pink's shop no more, sad and a great loss.


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A video on how this elite shop operated. I know of no other, personally, that has the standards and talent of this particular shop.

I'm afraid the entire hot rod hobby may soon be no more than a memory. At least in the shithole state of Kommiefornia.
The owner of the engine/dyno shop Muscle Machining & Race Engines that worked on my engine has his son in his early 20's working with him and the sons friends seem interested in hot rodding and drag racing but more LS oriented stuff but at least not ricer engines with the Big Fart Can exhaust, I'm thinking V8 Hot Rodding will be around a very long time it just might change a little as in why build an 800hp BBC when you can do 800hp with a light weight LS & Nitrous? They're still building single carb 1,150hp BBC's for class dragsters too
The owner of the engine/dyno shop Muscle Machining & Race Engines that worked on my engine has his son in his early 20's working with him and the sons friends seem interested in hot rodding and drag racing but more LS oriented stuff but at least not ricer engines with the Big Fart Can exhaust, I'm thinking V8 Hot Rodding will be around a very long time it just might change a little as in why build an 800hp BBC when you can do 800hp with a light weight LS & Nitrous? They're still building single carb 1,150hp BBC's for class dragsters too
But Chevelles look so cold with an LS sitting in the engine bay (to me).
I'll pass on the efficiency loss and just build a bigger BBC engine to make up for it. Torque rules LOL
But Chevelles look so cold with an LS sitting in the engine bay (to me).
I'll pass on the efficiency loss and just build a bigger BBC engine to make up for it. Torque rules LOL
John the owner of the engine shop said just about the same thing 😁
That's what pissed me off so bad at OCS. Those morons couldn't see that politics was going to eliminate us.
And no one was allowed to talk about it !
Tracks are dying one by one in soCal. Why invest 10's of thousands on a show car? At some point it is time to find something new that leftists haven't destroyed.
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