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"Corvette" branded SUVs and 4-doors?

Like I posted on the other site, these brands have done it and it didn't ruin their 'heritage'. In fact, they are quite nice and will outperform many other sports cars.

They have, but those are car companies, not a model. Corvette is a sports car, dilute that and you have destroyed the original. That's probably the real end goal anyway, as it's been discussed for decades.
The phrase "Turd in the punch bowl" leaps to mind.
Every once in a while I have a weak moment and actually consider buying a Corvette.
In winter you can get a mid-80's runner for around $3k or less.
But I've never really been a fan of them, and always come to my senses, as I have a Lotus, Alfa Romeo, and an El Camino they should run circles around 80's Vettes when it is finished.
Despite this I have always respected most* of them.
This stupidity will end that.

No one can respect that stupid "Cross-Fire Injection" gutless debacle.
I have a 2006 Z06, and it is an amazing car.
My only complaint about the C8 is no trunk space... I like hauling stuff in my C6

Chevy has other model names they could hang on a sporty electric SUV, or come up with a new model name. Just leave the Corvette brand alone.
Chevy has other model names they could hang on a sporty electric SUV, or come up with a new model name. Just leave the Corvette brand alone.
and for the upscale ones to compete with the Jag, Porsche, and Ferrari examples... they have Cadillac, and the "V" for high-performance versions.
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