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Picked this up today.

I have a 4 ft piece of rail and I needed about 18 inches cut off for an anvil. Yep, the chopsaw with an abrasive blade cut right through it. Took a few minutes to make it happen.
I bought the Northern Tool Ironton model 14" steel chop saw and it came with a 72 tooth blade. I got it on sale for $279.99 and an additional 10% military discount for a total price of $264 (including tax).

After a few adjustments and truing the blade, it cuts steel like butter and is burr free all while the steel is cool to the touch on the cuts.

I have to extend and weld the strut (electrical strut comes in 10' lengths), so I have to add a 20" piece to each end for a total of 160".

This is for my solar array mounts.


I bought the Northern Tool Ironton model 14" steel chop saw and it came with a 72 tooth blade. I got it on sale for $279.99 and an additional 10% military discount for a total price of $264 (including tax).

After a few adjustments and truing the blade, it cuts steel like butter and is burr free all while the steel is cool to the touch on the cuts.

I have to extend and weld the strut (electrical strut comes in 10' lengths), so I have to add a 20" piece to each end for a total of 160".

This is for my solar array mounts.

View attachment 10584

View attachment 10585
That’s a very nice cut and being cool is a plus
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