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My 66 is gone forever

Live with a 9.55 1/4 mile ?? WOW :LOL: :ROFLMAO: I hope to break into the 11's
The cam doesn't sound huge. Is the engine a 540+ ?

Does the owner plan on driving it on the street ? I'll be looking for it at "Cars and Coffee" in Cool Springs next to Franklin !

Once you move (if you do) , why not buy another one ? Maybe a cruiser this time ?
Hi Beth, the car sold with a 499 incher ( rounds to 500 actually) and that cam is 264@.050 @ .661 lift on a 108* lobe spread
It was suitable for this particular 10.9 to 1 compression and ported Edelbrock roval's. Intake was a ported oval Dart and a quickfuel 1050 carb. Gears are 4.11's behind a th400 with a 5000rpm stall FTI converter.
This isn't the engine that went 9.550. I still have that which I pulled after covid shut the tracks down. That engine is a dyno'd 565 "roval headed" piece that make 900.7hp & 759 lbft
Don't have the dyno sheet in front of me but it made the 900@ 67 to 7100 then remained level but why keep going if you've achieved your goal. Tony Mamo ported the 300cc AFR rovals which flow over 400 cfm.
That engine is available if anyone has an itch. It has approximately 25 passes on it which all but two were on an 1/8th mile track. The other two were at Pomona.
The 565 is 14 to 1 compression with a single Dominator carb
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