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69 4spd wagon


Veteran Member
This is cool! LM1 255hp 350/M20/12-bolt equipped 69 Chevelle 9-passenger wagon, Maroon with Saddle interior.

I'd bet it's 1 of 1!

It's pretty rough though.

Very cool. All these projects keep popping up when I'm not ready to do anything about it. Have to get my building up first, then I can get more projects. I have the space, just bad timing.
Pretty cool wagon. Just looked it up,when ordering the M20, you'd get a saginaw instead of the muncie. If the L48, 300hp was ordered, you'd get the muncie.
Pretty cool wagon. Just looked it up,when ordering the M20, you'd get a saginaw instead of the muncie. If the L48, 300hp was ordered, you'd get the muncie.
I thought the same, but it has a Muncie shifter in it...


Seeing the difference in the 3rd row color to the back seat, you know it's been sitting in the sun for quite some time.
I worked with a guy who had a 427 Wagon. I think it was a 1969
I like the older wagons with fins and chrome
At least with a 60's Chevy there is an abundance of parts !

I think a 4.8/5.3 LS swap would be perfect in one of those
My bad, I was looking at the 250hp L65 in the power team listing. The LM1 isn't even listed. I seem to remember the LM1 being very short lived early in the model year, so it's very obscure.
My bad, I was looking at the 250hp L65 in the power team listing. The LM1 isn't even listed. I seem to remember the LM1 being very short lived early in the model year, so it's very obscure.
Yeah, LM1 was an early '69 engine, 255hp 4bbl
The L65 250hp 2bbl replaced it. This is what my late '69 Malibu had originally.
If I only had the spare cash....

Oh well, I have 2 Chevelles that need my constant care and attention. I want a 72 wagon, 69 dashes are a pain in the tail to work on.
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