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Vinyl seat repair?


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When I bought my car, the interior was all original and perfect except for the drivers seat.
I recovered it and just this last summer I found a tiny rip.:mad:
Original is 50 years old and the new is, maybe 15?
I bought the whole interior kit from Ground up and only used the drivers seat.
My question is, can the rip be repaired? If not, can I use the passenger seat cover on the drivers side?
Thanks (y)
It`s just a tiny slit. Not sure if that would do it?
I thought there might be some kind of repair stuff I`ve seen years ago.
Never used it and not sure if it really worked.
With the cost of interior kits I would find a good upholstery shop and see if they can fix it.

In the past I used a repair kit with a glue and coloring to match but IIRC I added a backed material under the slit, your cut is so small IDK if it will turn out right.
That looks like a fix for super glue.
Glue the flap back down and use an artist paint brush to dab gloss black vinyl paint on any light spots.
The bucket seat covers on my 67 are interchangeable and I bet yours are too.
But I wouldn't replace the whole seat cover for that tiny rip.
They used to have those vinyl repair kits that even had a texture swatch to press into it.

First thing that came to mind Tim is liquid electrical tape. Put a dab on that slit and press into it with wax paper (so it doesn't stick) and I can tell you the liquid tape will outlast the seat cover.

Just spit balling.
I would use super glue and then put a drop of this on it

They used to have those vinyl repair kits that even had a texture swatch to press into it.

First thing that came to mind Tim is liquid electrical tape. Put a dab on that slit and press into it with wax paper (so it doesn't stick) and I can tell you the liquid tape will outlast the seat cover.

Just spit balling.

Never heard of liquid tape. Looks like it might work and the reviews were good.
I also checked this out and the reviews were didn't look too good.
They say it worked only for a couple of weeks then started cracking.
I can tell you this much with the liquid tape, once it hardens it's flexible but wears tough as nails.
I waited close to 2 years for my unique '69 post sedan seat covers from SMS, then had them upholstered by a guy I've used a few times......then took them home in seat halves. During the trip, the load shifted a bit, packing moved, and the seat back lock latch punctured a half inch slit in the face of the back seat top. I was jumping mad....then just repacked them and took them right back to him. Had him uncover that cover, cut a 4x4 inch piece of black vinyl, and glue it to the back side. The blem is virtually undetectable and it'll never reappear. Yours probably has shrunk a bit, but that's the only way I'd repair it and I'd bet you'd be happy with it. Repairing it from the front side will be noticable.
The proper repair is called "inserting", the cover is cut apart at the seams, a replacement piece of correct vinyl is cut to fit and the whole thing sewn back together. Anything else is hit or miss, but I'd try them first, you can insert if the other fixes do not work to your satisfaction.
After doing classic auto upholstery for 40+ years, I've never trusted those repair kits. Seems like the rip always shows up again after awhile. I would replace the ripped panel with a new one as described by SSuperDave above. Also, I do believe the new passenger seat back that you already have would fit the driver's side. I'm guessing just from your seat pics that you have a '64 Chevelle? They do not have locking seat backs, so switching driver and passenger seat back covers should not be a problem.
After doing classic auto upholstery for 40+ years, I've never trusted those repair kits. Seems like the rip always shows up again after awhile. I would replace the ripped panel with a new one as described by SSuperDave above. Also, I do believe the new passenger seat back that you already have would fit the driver's side. I'm guessing just from your seat pics that you have a '64 Chevelle? They do not have locking seat backs, so switching driver and passenger seat back covers should not be a problem.
Yes, 64`. I will try the repair kit. If it comes back, I will switch the seat.
Thanks (y)
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