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Part Price Differences


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My 2000 Durango 5.9L needs valve cover gaskets. $36.00 at OReilly and Advance, $23.00 on Amazon, Fel-Pro. Why the difference? Didn't valve cover gaskets use to run $10 to $15?
I've noticed a big increase in prices. I think companies are price-gouging because inflation is in the news.
They think people are expecting higher prices so they are taking advantage of us !
My favorite grocery, Kroger, was charging over $20 more for the ingredients to make lasagna than Walmart !
WalMart food prices are high!

I know tire prices have increased. In 2109 I bought camper tires, $120 each. In 2022 $141
And in the ac supply clusterfuck it's the same way, we just installed a 16 SEER 3 ton heat pump but had to use a 4 ton communicating air handler to meet the 16 SEER spec, sales rep and 2 diff managers said that's all that's available (More $$$$$) or wait who knows how long, BTW I Hate Comm systems too many Bells & Whistles to break down that IMHO is not needed, They say "It's all that there is", Just another way to get more $, To the original post, IMO they're trying to make up for lost revenue from the last cpl yrs
Save your receipts, if they are on thermal paper make copies of them. My Dodge's oil pressure sensor is wonky. I bought one in 2017 for $23 lifetime warranty. It was replaced in 2020, receipt says 1 year warranty. Advance will get it back with the receipt from 2017. Sensor now sells for $40!

I try to keep all of my receipts for parts, I have saved a lot of money keeping them.
A front fender for a 71 Chevelle is $199 at one of the main parts houses while the same fender is $500+ at another main parts house. More than double.
They know that most people have no idea that almost all body sheet metal comes from Taiwan.
So when you pay extra for a particular brand, it's usually a waste of money.
Prices are high but, mr mean tweets is gone and the liberals are happy😂🤣 walked by the egg section at Walmart lol 7.59 for a dozen eggs. Prices of parts have gone up and I don’t think they will go back down.
Prices are high but, mr mean tweets is gone and the liberals are happy😂🤣 walked by the egg section at Walmart lol 7.59 for a dozen eggs. Prices of parts have gone up and I don’t think they will go back down.
$7.59 for a dozen eggs? 🤯…Gotta be from the Goose that lays Golden Eggs
Try online.., shipping might be a deal breaker though. And the certainty that you'd have to file claim on the 4 broken ones might also kill the deal.
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