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Ineitha Lynette Hardaway “Diamond” of Diamond and Silk, She Was 51

That's terrible. They were great supporters of the President. Very brave to have been Africa Americans and such strong supporters of conservatism, because if there's anything the left hates as much as a white conservative, it's a black person that thinks for themselves, rejects victimhood and tries to leave the democrat plantation.
Liberals are a sub species of scum that have been permitted to multiply because conservatives are typically generous and try to be understanding.

No matter how you look at scum, it's still scum.
Some twits say she died from covid?
Far as I heard they didn’t release the cause of death.
Some twits say she died from covid?
Far as I heard they didn’t release the cause of death.
I heard today that she was never vaccinated, but was hospitalized with Covid back in November.
It's possible her heart was damaged during that illness.
Especially if the SOB's gave her remdisivir, which is known to destroy your kidneys and who knows what else ?
Hope she shoves it up that guys arse. Pretty sad to hear of her passing.
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