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Old Chevelles

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72 Corvette...

Good thing for me both the car and the wife (girlfriend in high school) came along at the same time. Lots of amazing memories together. Still when she rides in the back seat, she always says, "I don't remember the back seat being this small."
Try an early 70’s Vega 😂

I had one. Dropped a 350 in it, then it was another kind of fun, but the back seat in the Vega is kinda small, but I did have a double date with a friend of mine in his Dad's 70's honda civic, and I can tell you first hand there was no way we could get comfortable with the girls. My friend and his girlfriend stayed in the car, and my girlfriend and I went into the woods with a sleeping bag. We heard what we thought were some no so pleasant sounds coming from the car to find out later when we got back to the car the gearshift went into her back and it was almost night over before it started for him. :ROFLMAO:
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