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Mini-Bike project


Veteran Member
A couple years ago I bought a mini-bike to use as a pit bike when I go racing, and for the kids to play with in the back yard... it was cheap, newer "Baja Racer" frame from the 80s or 90s with a 5hp Honda off a pressure-washer.


A group of friends that I go to Road America vintage weekend with all bring our mini-bikes, and mine was arguably the ugliest one in the group...

No cover on the clutch, and exhaust pointing forward were both annoying. I ruined a shoe on the clutch, so I needed to make a cover and did an exhaust pipe for it as well.
Here's a mock-up of a clutch cover made out of cardboard.

I traced the template onto a flat sheet of 16ga...

Plasma cut out the shape

Hammered out the bends on the vice.

Welded up the seams

After a test-fit, I disassembled the bike.

and had Cale sandblast it while he was set up to blast some parts for his '55

Bare frame all clean and ready for paint.

Painted blue with some left-over paint from my Chevelle hood/trunk project.

I got a springer fork off a vintage parts-bike. The chrome was bad, so I blasted it and painted the fork in gloss black as a base for the "chrome" paint I bought for my fiberglass bumpers... I needed to test spray something anyway before I finish those.
These needed to fully cure for a week before I could spray the "chrome".

Clutch cover which I had loosely shaped in resemblance to the front fender of a '69 Chevelle needed a stripe, so a '69 SS style stripe was the obvious choice.
I didn't have any white basecoat, so I just used white epoxy primer and masked the stripe onto that.

Painted blue again...

finished result of the sheetmetal parts

assembly begins

Sprayed the "chrome" paint on the forks

Couldn't leave the Honda sticker on the engine, so I had this custom made Big Block Chevy air cleaner decal

More assembly work

Took the seat and some left-over upholstery from my Chevelle to "Augy" to have him re-cover it.
Sweet little ride. So, who's fastest?
The 3rd one in the line with the multi-colored seat has a 212 Predator kart-racing engine on it... it's stupid fast. :ROFLMAO:

Mine's pretty slow, but that's good... I don't need the temptation to hurt myself doing stupid things. It's frequently used to motor around the campsite during the after-race festivities, so slow is good. :)
It will do 35-40mph top speed, and has plenty of power to climb hills, but it doesn't do wheelies or accelerate quickly with the carb set up to run a Pressure Washer.
It's a great dual purpose little bike. PIR has a april swap meet that USED to allow small bikes to motor around the 2.5 mile track, since a lot of us aging folks would benefit and golf carts are a major obstruction to peds. They cut that out a few years back but still allow electric bikes and electric carts. There went my excuse. We bought a pair of these, but they lack the cool factor.......

Those and other electric scooters are getting really popular at race tracks. They certainly appear to be more handy than mine, and some of them fold up really nicely, but I needed something to ride with the vintage mini-bike group, and it started out cheap, but I've tripled my investment in it recently so that excuse is no longer valid. :ROFLMAO:
Holy crap, that bike looks awesome. The clutch cover is amazing. Looks like Chip Foose did it.
If you wanna wow them you can add a “NOS” bottle made from an aluminum beer bottle, wheelie bar and a tiny little fake parachute.

Or maybe rice it with a huge spoiler and LEF strip lights. Lol.
....forgot to comment on the seat......it's '69 parchment, but what vendor? Nice job by Augy, for sure, and the reason I ask is it's a very nice representation of the orginal fabric. My brother just bought Legendary, and I felt it was a tad too "pearlescent" in the parchment, and I've got 30 year old PUI stuff in mine, which is almost void of the gold "pearl."
it's "Motochrome" sprayed from a gun.

It's super thin, and where I put a 2nd coat on it's not quite as shiny. Sprays weird... low pressure, like 20psi, and crank down the fluid volume to almost nothing. It sprays out gray, and turns chrome as it dries.
Cool!! I knew there was spray on “chrome” but I thought you needed specialized proprietary equipment to spray it. That’s what I get for believing “Counting Cars”.
it's "Motochrome" sprayed from a gun.

It's super thin, and where I put a 2nd coat on it's not quite as shiny. Sprays weird... low pressure, like 20psi, and crank down the fluid volume to almost nothing. It sprays out gray, and turns chrome as it dries.
Wonder if it would look good on the chrome plastic dash pieces ?
Cool!! I knew there was spray on “chrome” but I thought you needed specialized proprietary equipment to spray it. That’s what I get for believing “Counting Cars”.
it's not quite as shiny as real chrome. I'd say it's about 95%, and very slightly darker.
That doesn’t sound like a deal breaker at all. If you had a choice between “rechroming” your original parts that fit great and repop parts where the chrome is brighter but fits like crap I might do the former.
How durable is it? The spray bomb stuff I've used you can almost rub it off with a finger after it's dried.
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