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Nosey Neighbor


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Senior Member
Well more Sunshine from the asshole next door, now he has cameras that can see in my back and front yard, had the Sanitation dept at his house today so guess he Wanted something else from the city for FREE, thinking of putting up some privacy screen 4’ above my 6’ privacy fence, this POS is really getting on my nerves and 10+ yrs ago I would’ve just knocked some of his teeth out


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Well more Sunshine from the asshole next door, now he has cameras that can see in my back and front yard, had the Sanitation dept at his house today so guess he Wanted something else from the city for FREE, thinking of putting up some privacy screen 4’ above my 6’ privacy fence, this POS is really getting on my nerves and 10+ yrs ago I would’ve just knocked some of his teeth out

He's doing that to piss you off. I'd put the screen up right in front of the camera 10' to either side to block it, but make sure the screen is wholly on your side and set up a camera because he's sure as hell going to mess with it and you can catch him in the act, then you can press charges and he goes to jail.
I have a pump BB rifle with a scope and a pump .22 rifle with Hollow point rounds and I’ve thought about it but this guy is SOO city calling happy I don’t need the agreviation but getting sick and tired of this Busy Body Old Lady, I know he’s pissed I cussed him out and called him names in the middle of the street a cpl weeks ago, maybe I’ll just point my cams at him lol
Well more Sunshine from the asshole next door, now he has cameras that can see in my back and front yard, had the Sanitation dept at his house today so guess he Wanted something else from the city for FREE, thinking of putting up some privacy screen 4’ above my 6’ privacy fence, this POS is really getting on my nerves and 10+ yrs ago I would’ve just knocked some of his teeth out
Go buy a cheap fake surveillance camera and mount it on a pole next to his fence (in your yard).
Pretend it's real and only remove it when he removes his cameras.
Two can play that game.
Think of it as an opportunity to purge all the built up hostilities no matter who's at fault. It's just a better way to look at the situation.....

Not sure if they make these in banner form, but............

We think they are Dummy Cams but still the idea still pisses me off, I’d really like to “Plink” them off the walls 😂😂 he has another 1 behind our garage facing our 2 - 10’ gates


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Founbd this on the web

I only read the beginning so I hope there's something useful for you there. I think the first thing would be to return the favor and start filming him too. Also I have to find the link but there's a company that sells a bluetooth controlled camera that's disguised as a lightbulb but the camera and its bulb still works as a light. I'll post it when I find them.
We shined a laser pointer, a bright Nebo led flash light and a 75 watt flood light in a hand held clip on at them and I don’t know if anything happened lol, Kathy said she researched them and they’re fake, ??? I feel like waving one of our pistols with a laser on them and see what comes of it
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