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"dying" interior parts


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I know what you're gonna say, but I'm going to try it, at least on dashed and door panels, etc.
My interior was black and I've got low mile, reproduction interior parts. I'm going back to Bolero red. SEM is the mostly highly recommended product that I've seen so I ordered some of their "portola red" which is the closest to what I want.
Any advice for maximum adhesion? Many moons ago an upholstery guy I knew in San Antonia recommended cleaning with 409. Grey scuff pad?
Adhesion promoter?

I've got a can of Bulldog adhesion promoter. Can I use that on vinyl or are there different products for vinyl? Thanks
I colored some parts for my Monte years ago. I used something like this to prep.

I didn't used SEM dye I used DuPont & it was fine.
Thanks. I’ll get some. Gets good reviews.
Did you do any high wear items like seats? Wondering how it’ll hold up.

Bull Dog adhesion promoters says it’s good for flexible parts too so I think theoretically I can try that on my vinyl items.
I dyed the bench seat, door panels and dash on my elky.....seat was brown, now black. I bought sprayable and used my gun. Cleaned with soapy water twice, then with their cleaner, a solvent, and finally with adhesion promotor. I'm confident it'll hold up but no time in it yet.
I would clean the vinyl with soap and water.
Then I would wipe it down with alcohol before spraying.
Are you going to remove the door panels and lay them flat ?
I've dyed multiple interior items, including seats and door panels, and never had any issues. Cleanliness is key.
Thanks. Yes, whole car is blown apart and will be thoroughly cleaned. Glad to hear others have gotten satisfactory results.
Posted elsewhere but since it was brought up here, I got great results so far using SEM Portola red as a match for my Bolero red interior. CE0DD411-8149-4531-8AA1-127F8B356356.jpeg5F81B2E1-2A56-46C2-8F28-3691DA0ECC1F.jpeg
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