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Sold my Gen V BBC short block today so I will take the jing and order the rest of the parts to get this going here next week. Cannot wait to see what a set of home ported china heads do at the track this year.
So here we go. 1st. up is .030 4 bolt main 355 SBC. I got a .010 cast crank and forged pistons on rods with 2 new oil pumps and bunch of other goodies for $150. Last week I scored a set of 062 Vortec's with 2.02/1.6 valves, screw in studs, Scorpion roller rockers, a real nice hyd roller cam, Air Gap and a pair of chrome tall aluminum ball milled valve covers for $350. I ordered new rinds and bearings plus all the gaskets I need to get this one done. Was going to put my Dart 49cc heads on this but with the price of race fuel I am going with the Vortec's. I might put one of the new $33 tunnel rams on this one and I will have less than 1K into this engine complete. Granader 2.0 will get worked on after this one is done. Pictures coming soon.
Nice! I used to follow the magazine budget builds, but they always cheated their budget and went well beyond 3x that amount. Blocks are getting scarce, 10 years back a good 4.0 bore sbc could be had for $100.
Looks like I have to put the one 355 on hold as I got sticker shock this week on what machine shops want for their work these days. Seems like they think they are P/S team engine builders. The one guy I have worked with for the last few years wanted almost $1000 for a bore, hone with deck plates and resurfacing the decks to square them up:eek: I called this other machine shop who I know id bad just to see what they charged and he was $100 more than the other guy, but I would not do any with with them after seeing my friends get ripped off by these clowns. So thinks will sit for a while.
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