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Tom Rightler, BlueSS454 is in Florida for Sick Week


Shop Foreman
In Florida be on the lookout for Tom, First trip to Florida in years. Funny to hear these comments from a Jersey boy.


I'm about 3 hours from there. He's in the city so he's seeing all the out of town people and the ones who moved.

Not a true representation of Floridians.
Yep, he's enjoying the crap out of it. Spectacular build and even though I never got into the mopars, much respect for what they brought to market between 63 and '71.
I always liked the look of the Mopars but was turned off by the cheap interiors.
But then a few of them had nice interiors ? No consistency with Chrysler IMHO
It was a hell of a week in Florida. Had a few minor mechanical maladies to deal with but nothing major. I still can't get that car to run 12.90s consistently. I have a bunch of gopro footage I have to go through and assemble a video for.
It was a hell of a week in Florida. Had a few minor mechanical maladies to deal with but nothing major. I still can't get that car to run 12.90s consistently. I have a bunch of gopro footage I have to go through and assemble a video for.

Gee whiz Tom !


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