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BurnOut Spot?


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Land lady put this starting at my garage the Chevelle’s in, place for burn outs ? Lol Little too close to the bldg though 😕


  • D7B48CE6-45C7-4FBC-BB3E-02491C11F4BA.jpeg
    223.1 KB · Views: 9
Do those storage units have vent fans on the roof ?
I bet it gets red hot in the summertime.
Vents on the roof and in the back wall, 2 cement blocks turned sideways but still gets pretty warm so I have fans to help, No 230 volt or I’d have some real fans ventilating the 2 units I have lol, guy living in 1 unit uses a PortaCool with walk in cooler type rubber drapes behind the garage door
Vents on the roof and in the back wall, 2 cement blocks turned sideways but still gets pretty warm so I have fans to help, No 230 volt or I’d have some real fans ventilating the 2 units I have lol, guy living in 1 unit uses a PortaCool with walk in cooler type rubber drapes behind the garage door

A guy is living in one? Uh, isn't that against the law? Surprised the landlord hasn't kicked him out.
A guy is living in one? Uh, isn't that against the law? Surprised the landlord hasn't kicked him out.
In the unit next to the office, real nice guy he's a sail boat Capt. that when he's not sailing someone somewhere lives there, great for security, another guy living in his car and he's a very nice guy too lol, been there 5-6 yrs now and nothing's been stolen, they keep a pretty good eye on things and I also thought it was illegal but I'm not going to say anything since they don't bother me, Capt. is also a Carpenter and does that work from time to time
I'd be okay with that....I have no faith in storage unit security, so having someone there who you can somewhat trust is big. Back in '92 I moved and stored my '63 Impala and 18' Wellcraft in a gated storage facility.....months later went to check on them and they had both been stolen. Guy at the gate said they weren't responsible for theft, and sure enough the contract relieved them of all liablility. I got the impala back a short while later, cigarettes in the ashtray, but nothing else wrong. The boat was discovered after I received the insurance check, and I bought it back for salvage value.....a big mistake. I hate storage unless it's guaranteed secure.
I'd be okay with that....I have no faith in storage unit security, so having someone there who you can somewhat trust is big. Back in '92 I moved and stored my '63 Impala and 18' Wellcraft in a gated storage facility.....months later went to check on them and they had both been stolen. Guy at the gate said they weren't responsible for theft, and sure enough the contract relieved them of all liablility. I got the impala back a short while later, cigarettes in the ashtray, but nothing else wrong. The boat was discovered after I received the insurance check, and I bought it back for salvage value.....a big mistake. I hate storage unless it's guaranteed secure.
They also have WiFi security cams and in the office they’re on a DVR, I have the code to get inside the office, I also do ac repairs on this office and the other places they own, would that help if my Chevelle was stolen..? But I’m pretty sure 1 of these guys would get a tag number, I hope anyway and another reason I’m thinking of getting an airport luggage type tag that’s WiFi but really haven’t looked hard into it
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