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64 Comet Vert question


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My friend & Coworker that has a 63 Chevy II Nova vert recently bought a 64 Comet vert with a non orig 289 that’s worn out but he also got the #’s matching 289 with the deal, car runs & drives but smokes and has blowby, orig engine is in unknown cond. and he asked me my opinion on rebuilding the orig engine or dropping a used Foxbody 302 in the car? IMHO a low mile used 302 (hyd roller) engine would be better and save the untouched #’s 289 for resale, sound like the right choice? cars just a cruiser for weekend stuff and burger joint shows
Wouldn't the falcon get a 260 in '63? Just going by memory, I thoughtt he big cars got the 289 whild the first mustang/falcon that got the 289 was '65. Either way, numbers matching, born with, drivetrain I wouldn't thing would be that important in a falcon of that vintage. Cool body style!
From Hagerty's:

Optional engines in 1964 included the 260-cid V-8 at 164 hp, replaced mid-year with the new 289-cid V-8 at 210 or 271 hp, depending on carburetion. A very few factory-built racing Comets were produced with Ford's 427-cid big block engine at 425 hp. The Cyclone received the 210-hp 289 V-8.
Orig is a 4bbl along with orig carb, solid lifter 289 was 271hp but this being a vert I don’t think so but don’t really know, it is a 3 speed auto from factory and my 66 Comet vert was a 289 2bbl 2 speed auto, mine was also a Caliente model and going from memory I Think it was a 2bbl and 2 speed auto I was 15 😀
Think I'll just rec'd finding a low mile used Mustang 5.0/302 engine and wrap the original 289 so if he sells it that might help with value
Build a torquey 351 Windsor.
A 302 just doesn't cut it with me :)
Here's a rebuildable one in St Pete for $300

Other good prospects
Do the modern 351's have provision for mechanical fuel pumps ?

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Other good prospects
Do the modern 351's have provision for mechanical fuel pumps ?

I spoke with Paul owner of the Comet, he wants to rebuild the orig 289 with an RV type cam, I wouldn’t and remember that a friend in the late 70’s early 80’s built a 351 Windsor for his 66 Mustang that was Bad Ass, I’m going to talk to him some more when I see him later today, I gots a check for him 😀
Going back to my 1st engine build in '84??, a 289 in a '68 cougar, I built it with a 500 lift "1/4 race" cam and not much else and backed by a toploader 4sp......such fond memories of high rpm shifting with glass packs. Kid stuff, and my memories are always going to favor more power than it actually had, but it was a bucket full of fun. Did a bunch of shelby mods to the car and abused the crap out of it. A set of 351w heads were in the plans before I spun a rod bearing. Dropped the pan in the car and replace the bearing and off I went. Never did the head mod. That little motor did impress a lot of guys, so I wouldn't sell it short, just know it's not going to be the best value in a build, but that never drove my efforts.
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