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Shop Foreman
I did a dumb move and it is costing me. Because I have a ProPride hitch it adds length to the tongue and I have been having to use a 7 wire plug extension. I found the extender went bad, popping truck fuses. My only repair was to get new 7 wire and and end and rewire the camper. Well I did it and got a loud clicking from the camper. Long story short is the cover on the plug was reversed. By doing this I fried the converter. I am heading to an RV store in a few minutes to get one, install it and get on the road. I was rushing yesterday to beat the darkness. Dumb mistake.
Check all your other electronics too.
You'd think these things would have wrong polarity protection.
We are in Savannah. I got to the RV store this morning and the inverter was in stock. I had it installed in 20 minutes. I made a closet out of dead space a couple of years ago, it came in handy because it opened up to the Converter, without the closet it would have really been a PITA! The new one is quieter and is rated for Lithium too. I think the other one was dying and I just pushed it over the edge.

Camper and truck are doing fine, if I-95 in SC doesn't kill them. We hit one bump, I thought the suspension was going to come out.

Spring like temperature. Nice to sit outside.

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