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Gary Rossington, original Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist, dead at 71

Rossington was sitting up front in the plane next to Ronnie Van Zant and Steve Gaines.
They both died instantly while Rossington had multiple broken bones but lived.
That crash was 100% pilot laziness as they ran out of gas. The pilots knew the gauge wasn't right but "thought" they had enough fuel.


Rossington was known for playing while holding a cigarette :)

That's one of the reasons I got this (main reason was my love for America the Beautiful). Faded now, but it says "Freebird".

I was going to post something about Gary's passing but I'm glad I reviewed this old post. I guess I missed it in March as I was battling with pneumonia and other illness issues! He was one of my favorites and seemed to be a real well grounded person & all around good guy! He will be severely missed! I remember that day in October 1977 hearing about the plane crash on the radio at work while in Sarasota....that was especially big news in Florida back then. Personally, I love their music and I will always enjoy listening to it!
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