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After 33 years she up and quit on me....


My Cambell Hausfeld 2HP 4 gallon gave it's last breath. She was having issues starting and popped a 20 amp breaker, so I ordered a new starting capacitor, installed it, plugged it in and BAM, blew the new capacitor.

She's done her duty to God and Country, so she'll be retired to the dump. Out to buy a new pancake compressor. This one will be a cheap Porter Cable for $180. My old one was over $500 when I bought it.

I bought the same, PC pancake and used it for a couple dozen hrs so far, finish nailing mostly. Not sure what took me so long to purchase one of these. Portable and somewhat quiet.
Wife bought me a Dewalt 12 yrs ago, kit with a brad nailer and small 2.5" finish nailer when I was remodeling the kitchen, brad/trim nailer died about a month ago but the comp & nailer work great, well guess it’s an Emglo


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What a difference. My old compressor was fully up to pressure in under 45 seconds and quiet as hell (why I bought it in the first place), but this PC is louder and took 2 minutes to come up to pressure.

Buy cheap, get cheap I guess. It'll serve it's purpose. I usually only use the little one for my nailer, staplers, and remote tire filling. My shop compressor isn't hooked up yet and that one is another Cambell Hausfeld, nice and quiet.

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What a difference. My old compressor was fully up to pressure in under 45 seconds and quiet as hell (why I bought it in the first place), but this PC is louder and took 2 minutes to come up to pressure.

Buy cheap, get cheap I guess. It'll serve it's purpose. I usually only use the little one for my nailer, staplers, and remote tire filling. My shop compressor isn't hooked up yet and that one is another Cambell Hausfeld, nice and quiet.

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Porter Cable seem to be good quality, I bought a cordless drill a long time ago, think I still have it but it was NiCad and bats died
I bought the same, PC pancake and used it for a couple dozen hrs so far, finish nailing mostly. Not sure what took me so long to purchase one of these. Portable and somewhat quiet.
Guy that works with me bought a Milwaukee cordless finish nailer and it does a really good job, he has the whole Enchilada of Milwaukee cordless tools and making me rethinking my older Makita tools
Not taking anything away from cordless stuff, especially milwaukee, I really like the pneumatic nailers, and they're both porter cable also. That potbelly is a whole lot quieter than my upright 5hp, so it's relative I guess, would like to hear some small vintage stuff for comparison.
Can't run the old one anymore to compare, but for comparison, you could talk in a normal voice carrying on a conversation standing right next to my old one. The new one? No.
My son has all Milwaukee cordless including the band saw. Loves them. He has all the cases and rolling toolboxes.
Pack Out I think they’re called, guy and his son that work with me swear by them, I bought a Husky rolling box set today at a discount warehouse that sells Home Depot stuff .50 on the $1, $70 plus I got an extra locking tool box, I’ll post a pic tomorrow it’s at the storage/shop, I bought the extra top organizer box on the way home and added $21 to the $70 rolling boxes


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