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Interior color issues


Can anyone clear this up for me? I am trying to upgrade interior armrests . My build sheet shows my interior as 791 ivory. When I go to all the sites and look at them they come in white and pearl, with no trim numbers attached. I’ve talked to so called techs at two Chevelle parts stores they have no clue. I’m leaning toward the pearl, but don’t want to go thru the hastle of returns and exchanges.. thanks
Here is what National Parts Depot is showing:

Many moons ago we owned a '77 Cutlass Supreme Coupe white over white interior...perfect car for Florida, but when the babies came along we got a Caravan! :-( White interior is really tough to keep clean/stop from fading/use. I suppose you might try dyeing those door handles.
Big assumption, but if you're putting a '70 together, than the armrests are probably real close. Keep in mind, each year's white is unique, except possibly '71 and '72 might be the same.
Oem stuff always varied from part to part, or say headliner, to armest, to door panel. All these parts were sourced, not done in house, so each had a different dye lot. IMO, it looks far more correct if they all give a slight bit of contrast.....I've seen many restos done with the same rattle can and it looks odd.
True about white. A good body shop owner friend of mine once told me that white was the absolute hardest paint color to match when painting a car!
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