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Sure some wakos on FB


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Just tying to sell some stuff we had for our Grandkids.
Some girl sends the FB response, Is this still available?
Me /I said what do you want?
Can I call you?
I give the phone number.
Then can I send you a code.
Did you get it?
Me/ Phone is a landline.
Give me your cell.
Me/What you that afraid of people?
Many people just don’t know how to interact other than Text, Email, Facebook etc. and think “Something’s Up?” 🙄 really fucking sad
Tried to purchase some elky stuff off FB, 2 days ago I messaged an ad that I was interested in his stuff, sent a message with phone number to call. No response.....so the next day, late, I responded "oh well, I tried". He responded in an hour saying he was waiting for me to set a time. Okay, I says, how about you call me after 10am tomorrow, which was today......he says "sure, I'll do that". Well, no response at all, no call, no message. I give up on this shit......I have 0 luck buying on either CL or FB. Sure miss the days of printed want ads with phone numbers. We've got a f'd up population.
Sure miss the days of printed want ads with phone numbers. We've got a f'd up population.

To be fair, I - like many other people - do not want my phone number out in the open. Too many psychos out there that I'd rather not have call me.
In the 70’s my dad had an appliance store on Central ave downtown St Pete and also ran an add in the St Pete Times newspaper, he got more sales from the paper add than people driving by the store, now running an add seems useless, I’d think FB marketplace would be a good platform but a lot of weirdos in todays world that Do Not know how to interact with another human being one on one, Fucked up world keeps getting smaller
I will not give my cell out to anyone. I tell them to email me. I can count on 2 hands the number of people who have my cell number (not including my immediate family) . Most times Lisa will tell them to call her and she'll relay a message or let me know.

I gave it out to 2 clients and they shared my cell and I started getting calls at all hours for systems support, so I changed my cell number and never gave it out to a client again.
The guy who sang "867-5309" is a retired high school teacher in Nashville.
He used to play that song once a year at student assemblies at Hillsboro High in west Nashville.
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