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Sure some wakos on FB

What pisses me off is a few years ago I took out a HELOC loan on my house. Either the Credit Union or the courthouse sold my fuckin number to the God damn telemarketers. I get no less than 20 calls a week with some fuckin person trying to buy my house. Now I just say I will take no less than 2.5 million, they pay closing and close in 14 days. The rude fucks hang up on me for some reason.
Way back when Lisa and I first got married (when dirt was new), Lisa used to donate blood to the Red Cross, and every so often the Red Cross would call and ask her to donate blood, but there were times she was underweight (like under 100lbs) and she would have to tell them the doctor said no donating blood until she was at least 110lbs. The Red Cross kept calling and they were calling weekly, so I told them she couldn't donate blood until she gained more weight, doctor's orders, and they still kept calling. They called the following week and we politely asked them to remove her from the list and they said they would. Next week came and yet another call, but this time I answered the phone and I was a bit gruff and they asked if Lisa could come in and donate blood, and I responded, "That won't be possible, she died". I got all kinds of apologies, and we never got a call from the Red Cross again.
Why was she asking to send you a code? What does that mean?
They get access to Google account for example.

They get your phone number, enter it into Google, then do a lost password request which makes Google send a code to the cell listed to the account in the form of a text message.

You tell them the code and they log into your account and have access to all kinds of things.
They get access to Google account for example.

They get your phone number, enter it into Google, then do a lost password request which makes Google send a code to the cell listed to the account in the form of a text message.

You tell them the code and they log into your account and have access to all kinds of things.

If they send a code to the cell listed in your account, how do they get the code unless they have your phone ?
If they send a code to the cell listed in your account, how do they get the code unless they have your phone ?
They have your phone number. When you enter it into Google login and do a lost password reset, Google sends a code to the phone on the account. (Same number)

Then they ask you for the code to verify you're a real person.

You give it to them and they type it in.
Ah yes, Flakebook Marketfarce.

I actually sell quite a bit of stuff there. I have the usual “is this available” inquiries followed by nothing, but also when people do respond I get a bunch of “where you at?“ and “$20” (for a $200 item) responses. But then I also get people who show up with a cargo trailer and go shopping, so I suppose in the end it’s worth it.
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