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Door question, Coupe and EC same basic dimensions?


Veteran Member
68 El Camino doors are stupid heavy.
Not as bad a 70 and up but still too heavy.
I am looking into fiberglass doors but want functional windows.
The only EC doors I can find are for drag racing with fixed windows.
But Chevelle 2-door fiberglass doors are more common.
I might be able to add my EC door upper window frames IF the basic doors are the same.
I have a spare set of EC doors but no Chevelle Coupe doors to compare.
As I understand it the EC doors are shorter than the Chevelle doors. The 70 Chevelle doors are only for 70-72 where as the EC doors are 68-72. Plus door glass difference between the EC and Chevelle as the EC had the Vent wing glass. A 70-72 Chevelle does not.
what about 68 Chevelle and 68 EC? Same vent window? or 69 Chevelle and 68 EC? Though you'd lose the vent window in the EC.
68 elcamino and chevelle doors are the same length. The inner structure on the el camino door is the same as a 300 sedan 2 dr door. They just modified the window frame of the sedan to be radiused at the upper rear to adapt to the elcamino roof line. So, the elcamino door would be roughly the same weight as the sedan door and slightly heavier than a 2 dr hardtop door. Vent windows are different in the hardtop vs. the sedan/elcamino. Hinges and strikers are the same also. Heavy, yes!
My hope is/was to buy a set of 'Glass Coupe doors and retrofit my EC window frames.
Several companies offer the Coupe doors but only one has EC doors.
I do have stroker crank, SHORT stroke, as in 327. :eek:
Engine is being built to be able to sustain the RPM music for much more than a quarter mile.
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